ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF - Library Reference
GestureType Enumeration
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client Namespace : GestureType Enumeration

Contains values that represent different multitouch gestures.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum GestureType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum GestureType : System.Enum 


CompletedA gesture was completed. This signals only completion. No position or delta data is valid for this sample.
DoubleTapThe user tapped the screen twice in quick succession. This always is preceded by a Tap gesture.
If the time between taps is too great to be considered a DoubleTap, two Tap gestures will be generated instead.
DragThe user touched the screen, and then performed a free-form drag gesture.
FlickThe user performed a touch combined with a quick swipe of the screen.
HoldThe user touched a single point on the screen for approximately one second. This is a single event, and not continuously generated while the user is holding the touchpoint.
PinchThe user touched two points on the screen, and then converged or diverged them. Pinch behaves like a two-finger drag. When this gesture is enabled.
StartedA gesture was started (ie the user started touching the screen).
TapThe user briefly touched a single point on the screen.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also

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