Convert Diagram To Features (Schematics)



Converts a schematic diagram to standard feature classes or shapefiles.

Schematic diagrams are all stored in hidden feature classes that are specific to Schematics and need the rest of the schematic configuration tables and information to be useful. This tool allows you to share diagrams with other people without having to provide the entire schematic dataset, which includes all the diagrams and the configuration. If you plan to convert multiple diagrams, you can choose whether they will all be placed into the same set of standard feature classes or shapefiles or if each diagram will get its own set of feature classes or shapefiles.


See the Code Sample section for a script tool sample that allows you to convert all diagrams contained in a schematic dataset or in a schematic folder.



ConvertDiagram_schematics (in_diagram, out_location, {reuse_fc}, {export_related_attributes}, {container_geometry}, {config_keyword})

The schematic diagram layer to be converted.

Schematic Layer

Workspace or feature dataset in which the schematic diagram will be converted. This container must already exist.

Workspace;Feature Dataset

Indicates whether the input schematic diagram layer will be converted in the same standard feature classes/shapefiles as the other diagrams based on the same diagram template.

  • REUSE_FCMust be used to convert the specified diagram into the same standard feature classes/shapefiles as the other diagrams—based on the same diagram template—have already been or will be converted. In this case, depending on the chosen output location, the specified diagram is converted:
    • Into a feature dataset whose name corresponds to the diagram template name and each feature class name corresponding to the schematic feature class names.
    • Into a folder whose name corresponds to the diagram template name and each shapefile name corresponding to the schematic feature class names.
    This is the default.
  • NO_REUSE_FCConverts the input diagram into a new feature dataset/folder whose name is the concatenation of the input diagram's diagram template name and the diagram name—each feature class/shapefile name being the concatenation of the schematic feature class name and diagram name.

Indicates whether all the attributes stored in the real feature classes/object tables associated with the schematic feature classes will also be converted.

  • NO_RELATED_ATTRIBUTESEach schematic feature contained in the input diagram is converted with only the attributes contained in its schematic feature class. This is the default.
  • EXPORT_RELATED_ATTRIBUTESEach schematic feature contained in the input diagram is converted with the attributes contained in its schematic feature class and all the attributes related to its associated real feature.

If no associated feature class/table is specified for a schematic feature class, no feature attributes can be converted.


When using REUSE_FC and EXPORT_RELATED_ATTRIBUTES, the structure must already exist with the associated feature fields, so the related attributes are converted.


Indicates the geometry type of the features that will be created for the converted schematic containers contained in the input diagram.

  • POLYGONEach container in the input diagram is converted as a polygon feature. This is the default.
  • POLYLINEEach container in the input diagram is converted as a polyline feature.
  • POINTEach container in the input diagram is converted as a point feature.

When using the Reuse Existing Structure option and the structure already exists with POLYGON (POLYLINE or POINT) feature classes created for container schematic features, there is no way to change the feature class type to POLYLINE or POINT (POLYGON) for the next conversions.


The configuration keyword that determines the storage parameters of the table in a relational database management system (RDBMS). This is for ArcSDE only.



ConvertDiagram example (script tool)

The following script demonstrates how to use the ConvertDiagram function in a script tool. This script tool loops on all diagrams contained in an input schematic container—that is, a schematic dataset or schematic folder—and converts them to standard features or shapefiles in an output location.

How to create and configure this script tool:

  1. Copy the following script in any text editor and save the text file with the .py extension.
  2. Start ArcCatalog and open the ArcToolbox window.
  3. Add a new script:
    • Type a name for it (ConvertDiagramsTool, for example).
    • For the Script File parameter, specify the .py file you have just created.
    • Then specify the five following parameters:
      1. Display Name: Input Schematic Container, Data Type: Schematic Dataset or Schematic Folder; Type Property=Required, Direction Property=Input
      2. Display Name: Output Location, Data Type: Workspace or Feature Dataset; Type Property=Required, Direction Property=Input
      3. Display Name: Recursive, Data Type: Boolean; Type Property=Required, Direction Property=Input, Default Value=True
      4. Display Name: Diagram Class Filter, Data Type: String; Type Property=Optional, Direction Property=Input
      5. Display Name: Derived Output Location, Data Type: Workspace or Feature Dataset; Type Property=Derived, Direction Property=Output, Obtained from=Output_Location

Required input parameters: An input schematic container (dataset or folder) + an output location (GDB, feature dataset, or folder for shapefiles)

Optional arguments: A recursive flag + a diagram class filter

Output derived location: A workspace or feature dataset

# Name:
# Description: Convert schematic diagrams
# Requirement: Erweiterung "ArcGIS Schematics"

# import arcpy, sys, math
import arcpy, sys, math
msgInputsErr = "Invalid arguments."
msgParseErr = "Cannot parse input arguments."
msgConvertErr = "Error during conversion."

msgNoLicenseAvailable = "Erweiterung "ArcGIS Schematics" license required"

# Recursively searches for schematic diagrams in the folders
def RecursiveSearch(inCont, bRecursive):
        childs = inCont.Children
        dataset = None
        for dataset in childs:
            if dataset.DataType == "SchematicFolder" and bRecursive:
                RecursiveSearch(dataset, bRecursive)
            elif dataset.DataType == "SchematicDiagram":
                if diagramClassFilter == "" or diagramClassFilter == dataset.DiagramClassname:
# Checks out the Erweiterung "ArcGIS Schematics" license    
    if arcpy.CheckExtension("Schematics") == "Available":
        raise Exception(msgNoLicenseAvailable)
except Exception as exc:
    print exc

arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Decodes parameters
    inputContainer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    outputLocation = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    recursive = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
    if recursive == "false":
        recursive = None
    diagramClassFilter = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3)
    if inputContainer == "":
        raise Exception()
    print msgParseErr

# Main code
    pathList = []   # List for diagram names to convert
    arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Searching diagrams to convert...")
    RecursiveSearch(arcpy.Describe(inputContainer), recursive)

    arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Converting...", 0, len(pathList), 1)

    for path in pathList:
        # Execute convert
        mes = "Converting Schematic Diagram : " + path
        # Set the progressor label
        arcpy.ConvertDiagram_schematics(path, outputLocation, "REUSE_FC", "NO_RELATED_ATTRIBUTES", "#")

    # Returns the Erweiterung "ArcGIS Schematics" licence



Verwandte Themen


ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Erfordert Schematics
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Erfordert Schematics
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Erfordert Schematics