What is ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services?

ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services allows you to deploy ArcGIS Server on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). ArcGIS Server runs on Amazon's hardware and is administered through web services.

Advantages of deploying your server on Amazon EC2 include the following:

About this help

The help section you are reading focuses on how to deploy ArcGIS Server and use enterprise geodatabases on Amazon EC2. It also includes special topics about maintaining and scaling your deployment on EC2.

If you need general information about ArcGIS Server or enterprise geodatabases, you should visit those respective sections in the ArcGIS Help. The ArcGIS Help describes how to publish services, configure security users and roles, create web applications, build geodatabases, and so on.

Links to the ArcGIS Help are provided throughout this help system where appropriate.
