Export | Exports the CoordSys object to a projection file (.prj). |
Import | Imports a projection file (.prj) into the CoordSys object. |
LookupCode | Returns the code or name of the specified name or code. |
LookupConstant | Returns the conversion factor (to meters) of the specified constant. |
Project | Projects, unprojects, or reprojects a geometric object using the properties of the CoordSys object. |
Update | Applies any changes to the CoordSys object's properties. |
Datum | Returns the datum code of the geographic coordinate system. |
DatumName | Returns the datum name of the geographic coordinate system. |
Flattening | Returns or sets the flattening ratio of the geographic coordinate system's spheroid. |
GeographicName | Returns or sets the name of the geographic coordinate system. |
GeographicUnit | Returns or sets the angular unit code of the geographic coordinate system. |
Parameters | Returns or sets the specified parameter of the projected coordinate system. |
Projection | Returns the code of the projection type of the projected coordinate system. |
ProjectionName | Returns or sets the name of the projected coordinate system. |
ProjectionUnit | Returns or sets the linear unit code of the projected coordinate system. |
SemiMajorAxis | Returns or sets the semi-major axis length of the geographic coordinate system's spheroid. |
String | Returns or sets the complete contents of the projection file (.prj) of the coordinate system. |