ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Global Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Properties

Public Property apAbortMessageBox constant: Abort button was pressed.
Public Property apAbortRetryIgnoreMessageBox constant: Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
Public Property apBlackColor constant: Black.
Public Property apBlueColor constant: Blue.
Public Property apBrownColor constant: Brown.
Public Property apCancelMessageBox constant: Cancel button was pressed.
Public Property apCrString constant: Carriage return.
Public Property apCriticalMessageBox constant: Display Critical Message icon.
Public Property apCrLfString constant: Carriage return–linefeed combination.
Public Property apCyanColor constant: Cyan.
Public Property apDarkGrayColor constant: Dark Gray.
Public Property apDarkGreenColor constant: Dark Green.
Public Property apDefaultButton1MessageBox constant: First button is the default.
Public Property apDefaultButton2MessageBox constant: Second button is the default.
Public Property apDefaultButton3MessageBox constant: Third button is the default.
Public Property apDefaultButton4MessageBox constant: Fourth button is the default.
Public Property apExclamationMessageBox constant: Display Warning Message icon.
Public Property apFieldBooleanFieldType constant: Boolean (True/False) field type.
Public Property apFieldCharacterFieldType constant: Text field type.
Public Property apFieldDateFieldType constant: Date field type.
Public Property apFieldNumericFieldType constant: Numeric field type.
Public Property apFileAppendMode constant: Append mode.
Public Property apFileASCIIFormat constant: ASCII format.
Public Property apFileReadMode constant: Read Only mode.
Public Property apFileSystemDefaultFormat constant: System default format.
Public Property apFileUnicodeFormat constant: Unicode format.
Public Property apFileWriteMode constant: Read/Write mode.
Public Property apFillEmptyFillStyle constant: Empty fill style.
Public Property apFillHatchFillStyle constant: Hatch fill style.
Public Property apFillImageFillStyle constant: Image fill style.
Public Property apFillOpaqueBackgroundMode constant: Opaque background mode.
Public Property apFillSolidFillStyle constant: Solid fill style.
Public Property apFillTransparentBackgroundMode constant: Transparent background mode.
Public Property apFormFeedString constant: Form feed; not useful in Microsoft Windows.
Public Property apGrayColor constant: Gray.
Public Property apGreenColor constant: Green.
Public Property apHatchCrossHatchStyle constant: Cross hatch style.
Public Property apHatchDiagonalCrossHatchStyle constant: Diagonal cross hatch style.
Public Property apHatchDownwardDiagonalHatchStyle constant: Downward diagonal hatch style.
Public Property apHatchHorizontalHatchStyle constant: Horizontal hatch style.
Public Property apHatchUpwardDiagonalHatchStyle constant: Upward diagonal hatch style.
Public Property apHatchVerticalHatchStyle constant: Vertical hatch style.
Public Property apIgnoreMessageBox constant: Ignore button was pressed.
Public Property apInformationMessageBox constant: Display Information Message icon.
Public Property apKhakiColor constant: Khaki.
Public Property apLfString constant: Line feed.
Public Property apLightGrayColor constant: Light Gray.
Public Property apLightYellowColor constant: Light Yellow.
Public Property apLimeGreenColor constant: Lime Green.
Public Property apLineDashLineStyle constant: Dash line style.
Public Property apLineDashDotLineStyle constant: Dash dot line style.
Public Property apLineDashDotDotLineStyle constant: Dash dot dot line style.
Public Property apLineDotLineStyle constant: Dot line style.
Public Property apLineNullLineStyle constant: Null line style.
Public Property apLineSolidLineStyle constant: Solid line style.
Public Property apMagentaColor constant: Magenta.
Public Property apMarkerCircleMarkerStyle constant: Circle marker style.
Public Property apMarkerCrossMarkerStyle constant: Cross marker style.
Public Property apMarkerDiamondMarkerStyle constant: Diamond marker style.
Public Property apMarkerImageMarkerMarkerStyle constant: Image marker style.
Public Property apMarkerSquareMarkerStyle constant: Square marker style.
Public Property apMarkerStarMarkerStyle constant: Star marker style.
Public Property apMarkerTriangleMarkerStyle constant: Triangle marker style.
Public Property apMarkerTrueTypeMarkerStyle constant: True type marker style.
Public Property apMarkerXMarkerStyle constant: X marker style.
Public Property apMaroonColor constant: Maroon.
Public Property apNavyColor constant: Navy.
Public Property apNewLineString constant: Platform-specific newline character; whatever is appropriate for the platform.
Public Property apNoMessageBox constant: No button was pressed.
Public Property apNullCharString constant: Character having the value 0.
Public Property apNullStringString constant: Not the same as a zero-length string ("").
Public Property apOKMessageBox constant: OK button was pressed.
Public Property apOKCancelMessageBox constant: Display OK and Cancel buttons.
Public Property apOKOnlyMessageBox constant: Display OK button only.
Public Property apOliveColor constant: Olive.
Public Property apOrangeColor constant: Orange.
Public Property apPaleYellowColor constant: Pale Yellow.
Public Property apPurpleColor constant: Purple.
Public Property apQuestionMessageBox constant: Display Warning Query icon.
Public Property apRedColor constant: Red.
Public Property apRetryMessageBox constant: Retry button was pressed.
Public Property apRetryCancelMessageBox constant: Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
Public Property apShapeMultiPointShapeType constant: MultiPoint shape type.
Public Property apShapeMultiPointMShapeType constant: MultiPointM shape type.
Public Property apShapeMultiPointZShapeType constant: MultiPointZ shape type.
Public Property apShapeNullShapeType constant: Null shape type.
Public Property apShapePointShapeType constant: Point shape type.
Public Property apShapePointMShapeType constant: PointM shape type.
Public Property apShapePointZShapeType constant: PointZ shape type.
Public Property apShapePolygonShapeType constant: Polygon shape type.
Public Property apShapePolygonMShapeType constant: PolygonM shape type.
Public Property apShapePolygonZShapeType constant: PolygonZ shape type.
Public Property apShapePolylineShapeType constant: Polyline shape type.
Public Property apShapePolylineMShapeType constant: PolylineM shape type.
Public Property apShapePolylineZShapeType constant: PolylineZ shape type.
Public Property apSnapEdgeSnappingMode constant: Edge snapping.
Public Property apSnapEndSnappingMode constant: End snapping.
Public Property apSnapNoneSnappingMode constant: No snapping.
Public Property apSnapVertexSnappingMode constant: Vertex snapping.
Public Property apTabString constant: Horizontal tab.
Public Property apTealColor constant: Teal.
Public Property apVerticalTabString constant: Vertical tab; not useful in Microsoft Windows.
Public Property apWhiteColor constant: White.
Public Property apYellowColor constant: Yellow.
Public Property apYesMessageBox constant: Yes button was pressed.
Public Property apYesNoMessageBox constant: Display Yes and No buttons.
Public Property apYesNoCancelMessageBox constant: Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.

See Also

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