ArcPad Scripting Object Model
GetWindow Method
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Required. An OLE_HANDLE that specifies the window. The window handle returned is relative to this window, based on the value of the Command parameter.
Required. A Long that specifies specifies the relationship between the specified window and the window whose handle is to be retrieved.
System Object : GetWindow Method

Glossary Item Box


Retrieves a handle to a window that has the specified relationship (Z-Order or owner) to the specified window.


object.GetWindow( hWnd, Cmd )


Required. An OLE_HANDLE that specifies the window. The window handle returned is relative to this window, based on the value of the Command parameter.
Required. A Long that specifies specifies the relationship between the specified window and the window whose handle is to be retrieved.

Return Type



Command is a long specifying the relationship between the specified window and the window whose handle is to be retrieved. The possible values are:

Command Relationship
GW_CHILD The retrieved handle identifies the child window at the top of the Z order, if the specified window is a parent window; otherwise, the retrieved handle is NULL. The function examines only child windows of the specified window. It does not examine descendant windows.
GW_ENABLEDPOPUP Windows 2000/XP: The retrieved handle identifies the enabled popup window owned by the specified window (the search uses the first such window found using GW_HWNDNEXT); otherwise, if there are no enabled popup windows, the retrieved handle is that of the specified window.
GW_HWNDFIRST The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is highest in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window that is highest in the Z order. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies the top-level window that is highest in the Z order. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies the sibling window that is highest in the Z order.
GW_HWNDLAST The retrieved handle identifies the window of the same type that is lowest in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window that is lowest in the Z order. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies the top-level window that is lowest in the Z order. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies the sibling window that is lowest in the Z order.
GW_HWNDNEXT The retrieved handle identifies the window below the specified window in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window below the specified window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies the top-level window below the specified window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies the sibling window below the specified window.
GW_HWNDPREV The retrieved handle identifies the window above the specified window in the Z order. If the specified window is a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window above the specified window. If the specified window is a top-level window, the handle identifies the top-level window above the specified window. If the specified window is a child window, the handle identifies the sibling window above the specified window.
GW_OWNER The retrieved handle identifies the specified window's owner window, if any.

See Also

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