Command Name |
Command Description |
about |
Display program information, version number, and copyright |
addgpspoint |
Capture point feature using GPS |
addims |
Add Internet server |
addlayer |
Add layer |
capturephoto |
Capture photo |
centerongps |
Center map to current GPS position |
clearmaprotation |
Clear map rotation |
clearselected |
Clear selected feature |
createbookmark |
Create a bookmark |
delete |
Delete selected feature |
exit |
Quit ArcPad |
exportprojectioninfo |
Export projection information |
featurecancel |
Cancel feature capture/changes |
featurecenter |
Center map on feature |
featuregoto |
Navigate to the selected feature |
featurenext |
Proceed to feature attribute capture |
featureok |
Commit feature capture/changes |
featureproperties |
Edit feature properties |
featureundo |
Feature capture/change undo |
find |
Find features in this map |
fixedzoomin |
Zoom in on the center of your map |
fixedzoomout |
Zoom out on the center of your map |
geographynetwork |
Opens a window to the Geography Network |
gpsdebug |
GPS/Rangefinder communications debug |
gpsenable |
Activate/Deactivate the GPS |
gpsoptions |
GPS Preferences |
gpspositionwindow |
GPS Position Window |
gpsselect |
Select using GPS position |
gpsstream |
Add vertices continuously from GPS |
gpstracklog |
Toggle track logging |
gpsvertex |
Add single vertex from GPS position |
help |
Help |
layers |
Layers |
managebookmarks |
Manage bookmarks |
mapproperties |
Map properties |
modeadvancedselect |
Advanced select |
modedrawcircle |
Capture circle feature |
modedrawellipse |
Capture ellipse feature |
modedrawfreehandline |
Capture freehand line feature |
modedrawfreehandpolygon |
Capture freehand polygon feature |
modedrawline |
Capture straight line feature |
modedrawpoint |
Capture point feature |
modedrawpolygon |
Capture polygon feature |
modedrawpolyline |
Capture polyline feature |
modedrawrectangle |
Capture rectangle feature |
modedrawtextellipse |
Capture text ellipse feature |
modedrawtextpoint |
Capture text point feature |
modedrawtextpolygon |
Capture text polygon feature |
modedrawtextpolyline |
Capture text polyline feature |
modedrawtextrectangle |
Capture text rectangle feature |
modefeaturemove |
Move features |
modefeatureresize |
Resize features |
modefeaturerotate |
Rotate features |
modefeaturescale |
Scale features |
modefreehandmeasure |
Freehand measure of distance on the map |
modegoto |
Select a destination for navigation |
modehyperlink |
Hyperlink |
modeidentify |
Identify the geographic feature or place you click on |
modemeasure |
Measure distance on the map |
modemeasureradial |
Radial measure of distance on the map |
modepan |
Pan |
moderefpointa |
Set reference point A |
moderefpointb |
Set reference point B |
moderotatemap |
Rotate map |
modeselect |
Select features |
modevertexappend |
Append vertices to a feature |
modevertexinsert |
Insert a vertex into a feature |
modevertexmove |
Select and vertex editing |
modezoomin |
Zoom in |
modezoomout |
Zoom out |
movepointtogps |
Move Point To GPS |
newlayer |
Create new shapefile layer |
newmap |
Create a new ArcPad map |
offsetpoint |
Point offset mode |
offsetpoly |
Polygon/Polyline offset mode |
openmap |
Open an ArcPad map |
options |
Options |
packshapefile |
Pack a shapefile |
quickform |
Create a quickform |
rangefinderenable |
Activate/deactivate the rangefinder |
rangefinderoptions |
Rangefinder preferences |
refresh |
Refresh the map |
reprojectshapefile |
Reproject a shapefile |
savemap |
Save the current map |
savemapas |
Save the current map with a new name |
scriptdialog |
Script editor window |
setmapcoordinates |
Set view coordinates |
setmapscale |
Set map scale |
toggleautomaprotation |
Toggle automatic map rotation |
togglefeaturerepeat |
Toggle feature attribute repeat mode |
featuresegment |
Capture feature segment |
togglenorthrrow |
Toggle north arrow |
togglepanframe |
Toggle panning frame |
togglepencapture |
Toggle pen capture |
togglescalebar |
Toggle scale bar |
togglestatusbar |
Toggle status bar |
traverselinear |
Linear traverse mode |
traverseradial |
Radial traverse mode |
zoomfullextent |
Zoom to all active layers |
zoomnext |
Go to next extent |
zoomprevious |
Go back to previous extent |
zoomtolayer |
Zoom to this layer |
zoomtoselected |
Zoom to the selected feature |