Constant | Value | Description |
apFillOpaque | 2 | Opaque background mode. |
apFillTransparent | 1 | Transparent background mode. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apYellow | 65535 | Yellow. |
apRed | 255 | Red. |
apGreen | 65280 | Green. |
apBlue | 16711680 | Blue. |
apMagenta | 16711935 | Magenta. |
apCyan | 16776960 | Cyan. |
apWhite | 16777215 | White. |
apLightGray | 12632256 | Light Gray. |
apDarkGray | 4210752 | Dark Gray. |
apGray | 8421504 | Gray. |
apBlack | 0 | Black. |
apLightYellow | 14745599 | Light Yellow. |
apNavy | 8388608 | Navy. |
apLimeGreen | 3329330 | Lime Green. |
apTeal | 8421376 | Teal. |
apDarkGreen | 25600 | Dark Green. |
apMaroon | 128 | Maroon. |
apPurple | 8388736 | Purple. |
apOrange | 42495 | Orange. |
apKhaki | 9234160 | Khaki. |
apOlive | 32896 | Olive. |
apBrown | 2763429 | Brown. |
apPaleYellow | 16777168 | Pale Yellow. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apFieldCharacter | 129 | Text field type. |
apFieldBoolean | 11 | Boolean (True/False) field type. |
apFieldDate | 7 | Date field type. |
apFieldNumeric | 5 | Numeric field type. |
FillStyle constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apFillImage | 5 | Image fill style. |
apFillHatch | 2 | Hatch fill style. |
apFillEmpty | 1 | Empty fill style. |
apFillSolid | 0 | Solid fill style. |
Format constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apFileSystemDefault | -2 | System default format. |
apFileUnicode | -1 | Unicode format. |
apFileASCII | 0 | ASCII format. |
HatchStyle constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apHatchDiagonalCross | 5 | Diagonal cross hatch style. |
apHatchCross | 4 | Cross hatch style. |
apHatchDownwardDiagonal | 3 | Downward diagonal hatch style. |
apHatchUpwardDiagonal | 2 | Upward diagonal hatch style. |
apHatchVertical | 1 | Vertical hatch style. |
apHatchHorizontal | 0 | Horizontal hatch style. |
LineStyle constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apLineNull | 5 | Null line style. |
apLineDashDotDot | 4 | Dash dot dot line style. |
apLineDashDot | 3 | Dash dot line style. |
apLineDot | 2 | Dot line style. |
apLineDash | 1 | Dash line style. |
apLineSolid | 0 | Solid line style. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apMarkerImageMarker | 257 | Image marker style. |
apMarkerTrueType | 256 | True type marker style. |
apMarkerX | 6 | X marker style. |
apMarkerDiamond | 5 | Diamond marker style. |
apMarkerStar | 4 | Star marker style. |
apMarkerCross | 3 | Cross marker style. |
apMarkerTriangle | 2 | Triangle marker style. |
apMarkerSquare | 1 | Square marker style. |
apMarkerCircle | 0 | Circle marker style. |
MessageBox constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apYesNo | 4 | Display Yes and No buttons. |
apCancel | 2 | Cancel button was pressed. |
apAbort | 3 | Abort button was pressed. |
apRetry | 4 | Retry button was pressed. |
apIgnore | 5 | Ignore button was pressed. |
apYes | 6 | Yes button was pressed. |
apNo | 7 | No button was pressed. |
apOKOnly | 0 | Display OK button only. |
apOKCancel | 1 | Display OK and Cancel buttons. |
apOk | 1 | OK button was pressed. |
apYesNoCancel | 3 | Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. |
apDefaultButton4 | 768 | Fourth button is the default. |
apRetryCancel | 5 | Display Retry and Cancel buttons. |
apCritical | 16 | Display Critical Message icon. |
apQuestion | 32 | Display Warning Query icon. |
apExclamation | 48 | Display Warning Message icon. |
apInformation | 64 | Display Information Message icon. |
apDefaultButton1 | 0 | First button is the default. |
apDefaultButton2 | 256 | Second button is the default. |
apDefaultButton3 | 512 | Third button is the default. |
apAbortRetryIgnore | 2 | Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. |
Mode constants
Constant | Value | Description |
apFileAppend | 8 | Append mode. |
apFileWrite | 2 | Read/Write mode. |
apFileRead | 1 | Read Only mode. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apShapeMultiPointM | 28 | MultiPointM shape type. |
apShapePolygonM | 25 | PolygonM shape type. |
apShapePolylineM | 23 | PolylineM shape type. |
apShapePointM | 21 | PointM shape type. |
apShapeMultiPointZ | 18 | MultiPointZ shape type. |
apShapePolygonZ | 15 | PolygonZ shape type. |
apShapePolylineZ | 13 | PolylineZ shape type. |
apShapePointZ | 11 | PointZ shape type. |
apShapeMultiPoint | 8 | MultiPoint shape type. |
apShapePolygon | 5 | Polygon shape type. |
apShapePolyline | 3 | Polyline shape type. |
apShapePoint | 1 | Point shape type. |
apShapeNull | 0 | Null shape type. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apSnapEnd | 4 | End snapping. |
apSnapEdge | 2 | Edge snapping. |
apSnapVertex | 1 | Vertex snapping. |
apSnapNone | 0 | No snapping. |
Constant | Value | Description |
apFormFeed | Chr(12) | Form feed; not useful in Microsoft Windows. |
apVerticalTab | Chr(11) | Vertical tab; not useful in Microsoft Windows. |
apTab | Chr(9) | Horizontal tab. |
apNewLine | Chr(13) & Chr(10) or Chr(10) | Platform-specific newline character; whatever is appropriate for the platform. |
apCrLf | Chr(13) & Chr(10) | Carriage return?linefeed combination. |
apLf | Chr(10) | Line feed. |
apCr | Chr(13) | Carriage return. |
apNullString | String having value 0 | Not the same as a zero-length string (""). |
apNullChar | Chr(0) | Character having the value 0. |