Silently installing the ArcGIS Web Adaptor
The ArcGIS Web Adaptor can be installed by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters, as described below. Alternatively, you can install from the user interface using Setup.exe.
Installation requirements
The Web Adaptor's version must always match the version of Portal for ArcGIS.
You can have a 10.2.1 and later version of the Web Adaptor installed alongside one other earlier version of the Web Adaptor on the same machine. For example, you can have a 10.1 SP1 version and a 10.2.2 version of the Web Adaptor installed on the same web server.
Each Web Adaptor must have its own unique name; you cannot have two Web Adaptors with the same name on a single web server. If a naming conflict is detected during the installation, a warning message will display. You will need to uninstall the earlier version with the same name in order to resolve the conflict. Alternatively, you can change the name of the Web Adaptor to proceed with the installation.
If you need to add the Cross-domain Policy File feature at any time, you can run the ADDLOCAL command on the existing installation.
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is required. For silent installations only, if IIS is not found, the Web Adaptor setup will not proceed. IIS and all necessary components must be installed before installing the Web Adaptor silently.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1), 4.0, or 4.5 is required. The Web Adaptor setup will not proceed if any of the supported .NET Framework versions are not found.
All system requirements must be met before silently installing the Web Adaptor. After the Web Adaptor has been installed, it must be configured. For more information, see Configuring the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.
Upgrading an earlier version of the Web Adaptor
If you want to upgrade an earlier version of the Web Adaptor to 10.2.2, you'll need to uninstall the old version and install the 10.2.2 setup. During the 10.2.2 installation, you'll specify the same name as your earlier Web Adaptor. This will guarantee your Web Adaptor URL will remain identical to the earlier version.
If a naming conflict is detected during the 10.2.2 installation, a warning message will display. You will need to uninstall the earlier version with the same name to perform the upgrade.
After installing 10.2.2, you'll need to configure the Web Adaptor with its corresponding ArcGIS Server site.

In versions earlier than 10.2.1, running the setup upgraded all existing Web Adaptor versions to the latest version.
Command line parameters for specifying the website and name for the Web Adaptor
The following command lines are used for configuring IIS. If these command line parameters are not invoked during a silent installation, the Web Adaptor web application is created under the default website with the default name of arcgis.
- WEBSITE_ID=<numeric value of website>
The WEBSITE_ID parameter is used to specify the website where the Web Adaptor web application will be created. The value for WEBSITE_ID is a number specific to each website on your server and assigned by IIS. The IDs for the websites on your server can be found in IIS Manager. The default website has a website ID of 1. This command line parameter is required when multiple websites exist. By default, the WEBSITE_ID parameter is set to the default website (even if multiple websites exist). The parameter WEBSITE_ID is case sensitive.
- PORT=<port number>
Additionally, if you have a website with multiple ports, use the PORT parameter to install to the specified port of the WEBSITE_ID.
For example, the path is <path to ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) setup download>\setup.exe /qb VDIRNAME=arcgis_external WEBSITE_ID=4059640 PORT=82.
- PORT=<port number>
- VDIRNAME=<name of ArcGIS Web Adaptor>
This command line parameter is optional. By default, the VDIRNAME property is set to arcgis. If you do not invoke the VDIRNAME parameter in your command line, the Web Adaptor is created as arcgis. The VDIRNAME parameter is case sensitive. The Web Adaptor name cannot contain spaces.
For example, the path is <path to ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) setup download>\setup.exe /qb VDIRNAME=arcgis_external WEBSITE_ID=4059640.
Other command line parameters
The cross-domain policy files feature is not installed by default. To install the feature, you must add an additional parameter to your installation command line. The command line parameter below installs the cross-domain policy files feature silently.
For example, the path is <path to ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) setup download>\setup.exe /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL VDIRNAME=arcgis_external WEBSITE_ID=4059640.
If the ADDLOCAL command line parameter is not invoked, the cross-domain policy files feature is not installed. The ADDLOCAL command line parameter is case sensitive.