Adding the GPS toolbar

Before working with GPS devices within ArcMap, you must first add the GPS toolbar.

GPS toolbar

GPS toolbar buttons and their functions




Open Connection

Open Connection

Opens a GPS connection for updates from GPS.

Close Connection

Close Connection

Closes the GPS connection to stop updates from GPS.

Start Streaming To Log

Start Streaming To Log

Starts streaming GPS data into the selected log.

Stop Streaming To Log

Stop Streaming To Log

Stops streaming GPS data into the selected log.

Stamp Current Position To Log

Stamp Current Position To Log

Stamps the current position to the log.

Pan to GPS Position

Pan To GPS Position

Pans the active view to display the current GPS position.

Zoom to GPS Position

Zoom To GPS Position

Zooms to the current GPS position.

Add Destination

Add Destination

Sets the clicked point on the screen as the destination.

GPS toolbar tools and functions
  1. Click Customize on the Main menu, point to Toolbars, and click GPS.

    The toolbar is added.

To hide the GPS toolbar, right-click any toolbar and click GPS.

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