Creating a dimension feature class by importing a style

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

When you create a new dimension feature class, you can import a style from another dimension feature class.

  1. In the Catalog tree, right-click the geodatabase or feature dataset in which you want to create the new dimension class.
  2. Point to New and click Feature Class.
  3. Type the name for the new dimension feature class. To create an alias for this feature class, type the alias.
  4. Click the Type drop-down arrow and click Dimension Features.
  5. Click Next.
  6. If this is a stand-alone feature class, choose or import a coordinate reference system and click Next.
  7. If this is a stand-alone feature class, accept the default XY tolerance or type your desired XY tolerance and click Next.
  8. Type a reference scale. The reference scale specifies the scale at which the symbology of the dimension feature is the same size as defined in the style (in this case, the default style). For example, if your dimension text is Arial 12 pt, and your reference scale is 1:1,000, your text will be 12 pt at 1:1,000. As you zoom out from this scale, the text becomes smaller, and as you zoom in from this scale, the text becomes larger. The reference scale units will automatically match the spatial reference's units if the dimension class is being created in a feature dataset. If this is a stand-alone dimension class, you should choose the units that match the coordinate system.
  9. Click the option for Import a style from an existing dimension feature class.
  10. Click the Import Style button to browse for a dimension feature class from which to import a style.
  11. Click Browse to browse for a geodatabase. Once the geodatabase is selected, the dimension feature classes and the feature datasets containing dimension feature classes are listed in the tree view.
  12. Click the dimension feature class that contains the style you want to import.
  13. Click the dimension style you want to import and click OK when you're done.
  14. Click Next.
  15. If creating this feature class in an ArcSDE or file geodatabase, either use the default configuration keyword or check Use configuration keyword and choose a keyword from the drop-down menu.
  16. Click Next.
  17. The fields necessary for the dimension feature class will already be added to the feature class. If you want additional fields, define them and click Finish.

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