Cartographic Coordinate System (Environment setting)

Tools that honor the Cartographic Coordinate System environment will use the specified coordinate system to determine the size, extent, and spatial relationships of features when making calculations.

For a description of how coordinate systems are considered in geoprocessing, see Spatial reference and geoprocessing.

Usage notes

Dialog syntax

Cartographic Coordinate System—The coordinate system used to assess the spatial extent for input features

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.cartographicCoordinateSystem = coordinate_system




The coordinate system used to assess the spatial extent for input features. The coordinate system can be set using any of the following:

cartographicCoordinateSystem syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the cartographic coordinate system to NAD83 UTM Zone 22 North
arcpy.env.cartographicCoordinateSystem = "Coordinate Systems\Projected Coordinate Systems\Utm\Nad 1983\NAD 1983 UTM Zone 22N.prj"

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