Precision for Derived Coverages (Environment setting)

Tools that honor the Precision for Derived Coverages environment create output coverages whose precision is determined from the input coverages based on this setting.

Precision for Derived Coverages is also known as the processing rule. Derived coverages are those derived from tools that accept input data to derive the output coverage, for example, coverages created by running the Coverage toolbox's Buffer tool.

Usage notes

Dialog syntax

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.derivedPrecision = precision_option




The coordinate precision of the output coverage will be the same precision as the input coverage that has the highest precision. This is the default.


The coordinate precision of the output coverage will be the same precision as the input coverage that has the lowest precision.


The coordinate precision of the output coverage will always be single precision, regardless of the precision of the input coverage.


The coordinate precision of the output coverage will always be double precision, regardless of the precision of the input coverage.

derivedPrecision syntax
import arcpy

# Set the derivedPrecision environment to LOWEST
arcpy.derivedPrecision = "LOWEST"

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