Creating a geodatabase in a user's schema in Oracle
You create user geodatabases by connecting to the master sde geodatabase using the Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool or Python script. The user name and password you provide for the geodatabase administrator must be those of the user in whose schema the geodatabase is to be installed.
It is recommended that you store the system tables that are created in the user's schema in a different tablespace than the one used for your sde master geodatabase. This helps avoid I/O contention. To create the system tables of the user-schema geodatabase in a different tablespace, set the user's default tablespace to a different tablespace than the sde user's. Do this prior to creating the geodatabase in the user's schema.
You can only own data in your own schema geodatabase or in the sde master geodatabase. For example, if the database user porthos owns a geodatabase, all data that porthos owns must be in his geodatabase; porthos cannot own any data in the sde master geodatabase or any other user's geodatabases. If user athos does not own his own geodatabase, he can only own data in the sde master, not in porthos' or any other user's geodatabase.

Existing user-schema geodatabases (those created with ArcGIS 10 or earlier) that contain data owned by users other than the schema owner can be upgraded, and those data owners can continue to create new data and use their existing data. For example, if user porthos created a geodatabase in ArcGIS 9.3, user aramis created data in that geodatabase with an ArcGIS 10 or 9.3 client, then porthos' geodatabase was upgraded to 10.1, aramis' existing data is still accessible and he can continue to create data in porthos' geodatabase. However, it is recommended that you move data either to the sde master geodatabase or the user's own schema geodatabase if possible.
Be aware that the amount of time it takes to connect to the Oracle database will increase as the number of user-schema geodatabases you create and use increases. This is especially true if the user-schema geodatabases contain a mix of geodatabase tables and tables that are not registered with the geodatabase.
Follow these steps to create a geodatabase in the schema of a user other than sde:
- Grant the proper permissions to the user to allow geodatabase creation.
- Create a tablespace for the user and set it as the user's default tablespace.
- Start ArcMap or ArcCatalog on the computer where the Oracle client is installed.
- Open the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool.
You can search for or browse to this tool, which is located in the Geodatabase Administration toolset of the Data Management toolbox.
- Choose Oracle from the Database Platform drop-down list.
- Provide the information required to connect to the Oracle instance.
- If you have already configured the Oracle client to use a TNS network alias, type the Net service alias in the Instance text box.
- If you have not configured the Oracle client's network alias, provide the Oracle Easy Connection string in the Instance text box.
See Database connections in ArcGIS for Desktop for a list of possible values.
- Type the user name and password of the user who will own the geodatabase.
- Type the name of the user's default tablespace in the Tablespace Name text box.
- Click OK to run the tool.