Stopping a local ArcSDE service on Windows
On local Windows servers, you can stop the ArcSDE service from within the Services menu.
There are different reasons for stopping the ArcSDE service, such as if the giomgr process stalls or if you change an environment variable and need to stop then restart the service for the variable to take effect.
Stopping the ArcSDE service relinquishes all of its processes and operating system resources. You can stop an ArcSDE service if no server tasks are running. If server tasks are running, you must remove the running tasks before the service will shut down.
While the service is stopped, no additional connections can be made to the geodatabase using the service.
Clients that attempt to connect using an ArcSDE service while the service is stopped receive the following error message:
Failed to connect to the specified server. SDE not running on server

Windows users must have power user or administrator group permissions to pause, resume, or shut down a local or remote ArcSDE service.
- Open the Control Panel and click Administrative Tools.
- Click Services and scroll through the list of Windows services to find the ArcSDE service to shut down. The ArcSDE service will appear in the services list in the format ArcSde Service(<service name>).
- Click the service name and click Stop to shut down the service.