Enabling and disabling features
This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

While network features can be both created and edited in ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced and Standard, they are read-only in Basic.
Any feature in a geometric network can be enabled or disabled. An enabled feature allows flow to pass through it, while a disabled feature does not. Disabling features allows you to treat them as if they were disconnected from the network without actually removing the topological connections that they have to other features in the network. By default, all features in a geometric network are enabled when you create the network.
To enable or disable a feature, its Enabled attribute must be edited in the Attributes dialog box.
- Click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Start Editing.
Click the Edit tool
on the Editor toolbar.
- Click the feature that you want to enable or disable.
Click the Attributes button
on the Editor toolbar.
Click in the cell next to the Enabled property.
A list box opens showing all the valid codes for this attribute (as defined by the coded value attribute domain for the Enabled attribute).
- Click True to enable the feature or click False to disable it.
- Click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Stop Editing.
- Click Yes to save your changes.