Finding connected features using weight filters
Click the tool palette drop-down arrow on the Utility Network Analyst toolbar and click a flag tool button (
- Click to place flags at each point for which you want to find the connected features.
- Click Analysis and click Options.
- Click the Weight Filter tab.
- Click the Junction weight drop-down arrow and click the name of the weight you want to use to filter junctions.
- Type the expression in the Weight range text box for junctions you want to use to filter junctions.
- Check the Not check box to exclude this range.
- Click Verify to check the syntax of the junction weight filter.
- Click the From-to weight drop-down arrow and click the name of the weight you want to use to filter edges along their digitized direction.
- Click the To-from weight drop-down and click the name of the weight you want to use to filter edges against their digitized direction.
- Type the expression in the Weight range text box for edges you want to use to filter edges.
- Check the Not check box to exclude this range.
- Click Verify to check the syntax of the edge weight filter.
- Click OK.
- Click the Trace Task drop-down arrow and click Find Connected.
Click the Solve button
The features that are connected to the features on which you placed your flags, using the weight filter you specified, are displayed.

When you create a range expression for a weight filter, you must use correct syntax. You can specify multiple valid or invalid ranges for each weight. You must delimit each range with commas. Each range can include a single value or a range of values. To specify a range of values, type a hyphen between the lower and upper bounds of the range (for example, 1-5, 10-22.2, 27).
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