Saving a model
If an existing model was opened for editing, clicking the Save button on the ModelBuilder Standard toolbar will save the model.
If you are working with a new model that has not yet been saved to a toolbox, saving the model will involve creating a new toolbox or selecting an existing toolbox. To save a new model, follow these steps:
Click the Save button
on the ModelBuilder Standard toolbar.
- You can also click Model on the main menu and click Save.
- Browse to a workspace.
- Click New Toolbox
on the navigation window.
This creates a new toolbox with a default name. You can also save a model to any existing toolbox.
Double-click the toolbox to open it. If you are saving to an existing toolbox that contains toolsets, you can double-click a toolset. Click Save to save the model.
A model with default name is saved in the toolbox. You can rename a model by right-clicking a model in Catalog window, selecting Properties and changing the name and label from the General tab. No spaces are allowed in the model name as the name is used in Python window and scripting, both of which require a name without spaces. The label is displayed in the Catalog window and can contain spaces.
- To save a copy of the model to another toolbox, click Save As from the Model menu in ModelBuilder. The new name will be used as the model name and the label. If there is an existing model with the same name you will be prompted to provide another name for the model.
- A model cannot be saved to a read-only toolbox. System toolboxes (those found in the System Toolboxes folder) are read-only.
- When a model is saved, the contents of all variables and parameters are saved as well as the current state of each process. Any environment settings set at the model or model process level are also saved.