Setting environments for a model process
Geoprocessing environments can be set so that a single process within a model will use those environment settings. There are three ways to set the environment for an individual model process:
- From the process properties
- Exposing an environment as a model variable
- Connecting a stand-alone variable to a process as an environment
You must be in ModelBuilder to set geoprocessing environments for a single model process.
Setting process environments from process properties
- In ModelBuilder, right-click a tool element and click Properties.
On the Properties dialog box, click the Environments tab.
Environments are presented in an expandable tree view.
- Expand the category in which the environment is located.
- Check the check box next to the environments you want to set. You can check multiple boxes in multiple categories.
- Click Values. The Environment Settings dialog box opens, showing the categories of the settings.
- Open each category by clicking the down arrows.
- Provide a value for each environment.
Exposing an environment as a model variable
With this method, an environment setting will be created as a model variable and connected to a tool. If this environment variable is set as a model parameter, the environment value can be entered from the model tool dialog box.
In ModelBuilder, right-click a tool, point to Make Variable > From Environment, point to the category, then select the environment.
A new variable will be added to the model and connected to the tool. The connection will be an environment connector, as indicated by the dashed line.
Connecting a stand-alone variable to a process as an environment
Click the connection tool
- Click the stand-alone variable that is to be made an environment.
- Click the tool that is to use the stand-alone variable as an environment.
- In the dialog box that appears, click Environments, then select the appropriate environment.

When connecting a variable to a tool, only the parameters and environment settings that can use the value as input are listed. This is determined by the data type of the parameter or environment setting.