Locating features along routes

You can locate point, polygon, and line features along routes.

Locating point features along routes

When you locate point features along routes, you are determining the route and measure information where your point data intersects your route data.

Diagram showing locating point features

Locating point features along routes is useful, for example, when you need to locate any of the following:

Locating polygon features along routes

Locating polygon features along routes computes the route and measure information at the geometric intersection of polygon data and route data. Once polygon data has been located along routes, the resulting event table can be used, for example, to calculate the length of route that traveled through each polygon.

Diagram shows locating polygon features along a route.

Locating polygon features along routes is useful, for example, when you need to locate areas like these:

Locating line features along routes

When you locate line features along a route, you are determining the route and measure information where the lines intersect with the route. This intersection is based on a specified cluster tolerance.

Diagram shows locating line features along a route

Locating line features along routes is useful, for example, when you need to tie them in with your linearly referenced data.

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