Intersecting or unioning events using a tool

The following steps outline how to use the Overlay Route Events tool to analyze your events.

  1. Click Geoprocessing > Search For Tools.

    The Search window opens.

  2. Type Overlay Route Events in the Search box.
  3. Click Search Tools.

    The Search window lists tools that are related to the search string you entered.

  4. Click the Overlay Route Events tool.
  5. Click the Input Event Tablebrowse button Browse and navigate to the input event table. Alternatively, click the Input Event Table drop-down arrow and click the input event table or layer. In ArcCatalog, you will only see a drop-down arrow if a temporary layer has been created during the session.
  6. Click the Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
  7. Click the Event Type drop-down arrow and click POINT or LINE.
  8. Click the Measure Field drop-down arrow and click the measure field. Depending on whether your output is a point or line event table, you can choose a measure field or a from- and to-measure field.
  9. Click the Overlay Event Table browse button Browse and navigate to the input event table. Alternatively, click the Overlay Event Table drop-down arrow and click the input event table or layer.
  10. Click the Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
  11. Click the Event Type drop-down arrow and click POINT or LINE.
  12. Click the Measure Field drop-down arrow and click the measure field.
  13. Click the Type of Overlay drop-down arrow and click either INTERSECT or UNION.
  14. Type the file name and path in theOutput Event Table text box or click the browse button to specify the output location.
  15. Default output event table properties will be set for you. You can change the suggested field names by clicking any of the active drop-down arrows and selecting an alternative value.
  16. Click OK.

If you select a layer for the input event table or overlay event table, the input event table properties and overlay event table properties will be set automatically.
You can add a route event table to your map as a layer using the Make Route Event Layer tool or the Display Route Events command in ArcMap.

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