Create Routes (Linear Referencing)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Creates routes from existing lines. The input line features that share a common identifier are merged to create a single route.



CreateRoutes_lr (in_line_features, route_id_field, out_feature_class, measure_source, {from_measure_field}, {to_measure_field}, {coordinate_priority}, {measure_factor}, {measure_offset}, {ignore_gaps}, {build_index})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The features from which routes will be created.

Feature Layer

The field containing values that uniquely identify each route.


The feature class to be created. It can be a shapefile or a geodatabase feature class.

Feature Class

Specifies how route measures will be obtained.

  • LENGTHThe geometric length of the input features will be used to accumulate the measures. This is the default.
  • ONE_FIELDThe value stored in a single field will be used to accumulate the measures.
  • TWO_FIELDSThe values stored in both from- and to-measure fields will be used to set the measures.

A field containing measure values. This field must be numeric and is required when the measure source is ONE_FIELD or TWO_FIELDS.


A field containing measure values. This field must be numeric and is required when the measure source is TWO_FIELDS.


The position from which measures will be accumulated for each output route. This parameter is ignored when the measure source is TWO_FIELDS.

  • UPPER_LEFTMeasures will be accumulated from the point closest to the minimum bounding rectangle's upper left corner. This is the default.
  • LOWER_LEFTMeasures will be accumulated from the point closest to the minimum bounding rectangle's lower left corner.
  • UPPER_RIGHTMeasures will be accumulated from the point closest to the minimum bounding rectangle's upper right corner.
  • LOWER_RIGHTMeasures will be accumulated from the point closest to the minimum bounding rectangle's lower right corner.

A value multiplied by the measure length of each input line before they are merged to create route measures. The default is 1.


A value added to the route measures after the input lines have been merged to create a route. The default is 0.


Specifies whether spatial gaps will be ignored when calculating the measures on disjointed routes. This parameter is applicable when the measure source is LENGTH or ONE_FIELD.

  • IGNORESpatial gaps will be ignored. Measure values will be continuous for disjointed routes. This is the default.
  • NO_IGNOREDo not ignore spatial gaps. The measure values on disjointed routes will have gaps. The gap distance is calculated using the straight-line distance between the endpoints of the disjointed parts.

Specifies whether an attribute index will be created for the route identifier field that is written to the output route feature class.

  • INDEXCreate an attribute index. This is the default.
  • NO_INDEXDo not create an attribute index.

Code Sample

CreateRoutes Example (Python Window)

The following Python Window script demonstrates how to use the CreateRoutes function in the Python window.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/Data"
arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(base_roads.shp, "route1", "newRoutes", "LENGTH", "#", "#", "LOWER_LEFT", 0.00018939394)
CreateRoutes Example 2 (Stand-alone Python Script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the CreateRoutes function using shapefile data in a stand-alone Python script.

# Name
# Description: Create routes from lines. The lines are in a shapefile workspace.
# The LENGTH option will be used to set the measures, and a measure factor
# will be used to convert measure units from feet to miles.
# Author: ESRI

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "C:/Data"

# Set local variables
in_lines = "base_roads.shp"
rid = "route1" 
out_routes = "create_output1" 

# Execute CreateRoutes
arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(in_lines, rid, out_routes, "LENGTH", "#", "#", "LOWER_LEFT", 0.00018939394)
CreateRoutes Example 3 (Stand-alone Python Script

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the CreateRoutes function using file geodatabase data in a stand-alone Python script.

# Name
# Description: Create routes from lines. The lines are in a file geodatabase.
# The ONE_FIELD option will be used to set the measures.

# Import system modules 
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "C:/Data/pitt.gdb"
# Set local variables
in_lines = "roads/base_roads"        # base_roads exists in the roads feature dataset
rid = "route1"
m_fld = "len_mile"
out_routes = "roads/create_output2"  # write the result to the roads feature dataset

# Execute CreateRoutes
arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(in_lines, rid, out_routes, "ONE_FIELD", m_fld, "#", "LOWER_LEFT")
CreateRoutes Example 4 (Stand-alone Python Script

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the CreateRoutes function in a stand-alone Python script using personal geodatabase data.

# Name:
# Description: Create routes from lines. The lines are in a personal geodatabase.
# The ONE_FIELD option will be used to set the measures.
# Author: ESRI

# Import system modules 
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "C:/Data/pitt.mdb"

# Set local variables
in_lines = "roads/base_roads"        # base_roads exists in the roads feature dataset 
rid = "route1"
m_fld = "len_mile" 
out_routes = "roads/create_output2"  # write the result to the roads feature dataset 

# Execute CreateRoutes
arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(in_lines, rid, out_routes, "ONE_FIELD", m_fld, "#", "LOWER_LEFT")
CreateRoutes Example 5 (Stand-alone Python Script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the CreateRoutes function in a stand-alone Python script using SDE data.

# Name
# Description:  Create routes from lines. The lines are in an enterprise geodatabase.
# The TWO_FIELD option will be used to set the measures.
# Author: ESRI
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "Database Connections/Connection to Jerry.sde"

# Set local variables
in_lines = gp.QualifyTableName("base_roads", wkspc)   # base_roads is a standalone feature class
rid = "route1"
fr_fld = "begmp1"
to_fld = "endmp1" 
out_routes = "create_output3"                   # write the result to a standalone feature class

# Execute CreateRoutes
arcpy.CreateRoutes_lr(in_lines, rid, out_routes, "TWO_FIELDS", fr_fld, to_fld)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes