What is a geodatabase?
The architecture of a geodatabase
A quick tour of the geodatabase
Essential readings about the geodatabase
Table basics
Feature class basics
Raster basics
Types of geodatabases
Client and geodatabase compatibility
A quick tour of geodatabase upgrades
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic and the geodatabase
A quick tour of the Building a geodatabase tutorial
Exercise 1: Organizing your data in the Catalog
Exercise 2: Importing data into your geodatabase
Exercise 3: Creating subtypes and attribute domains
Exercise 4: Creating relationships between objects
Exercise 5: Building a geometric network
Exercise 6: Creating annotation
Exercise 7: Creating layers for your geodatabase data
Exercise 8: Creating a topology
An overview of geodatabase design
Geodatabase design steps
Using ArcGIS data model designs
Documenting your geodatabase design
Modeling feature classes
A note about the use of UML for geodatabase design
Design tips
An overview of creating geodatabases
A comparison of geodatabase types
Creating a personal geodatabase
Creating a file geodatabase from the Catalog tree
Creating a geodatabase on a database server
Creating an enterprise geodatabase
Enabling enterprise geodatabase functionality in an existing database
Creating geodatabases using geoprocessing tools
Schema locking
About copying the schema of a geodatabase
Exporting a geodatabase schema to an XML workspace document
Importing a geodatabase schema from an XML workspace document
Copying a geodatabase schema using Extract Data Wizard in ArcMap
Copying the geodatabase schema of an ArcGIS data model template
Using CASE tools and UML to create a geodatabase schema
Overview of copying geodatabases
Copying a geodatabase using the Copy tool
Copying a geodatabase using geodatabase XML workspaces
Copying a geodatabase using the Extract Data wizard in ArcMap
Copying feature classes using Export
Migrating to the file geodatabase
Migrating to high precision
Migrating data from a newer geodatabase release to an older one
An overview and definition of geodatabase data properties
Enterprise geodatabase size and name limits
An overview of table properties
Defining tables
Defining feature class properties
Renaming tables
Defining fields in tables
ArcGIS field data types
Data types in the DBMS
A quick tour of Unicode
An overview of spatial indexes in the geodatabase
A quick tour of setting a spatial index
Modifying a spatial index
An overview of spatial references
The properties of a spatial reference
Working with pre-9.2 spatial references
Choosing the resolution and domain of a low-precision spatial reference
What are configuration keywords?
Configuration keywords for file geodatabases
Configuration keywords for enterprise geodatabases
A quick tour of attribute domains
Creating a new attribute range domain
Creating a new coded value domain
Modifying and deleting attribute domains
Browsing the domains of a geodatabase
Browsing the attribute domains of a geodatabase from a feature class or table
Associating default values and domains with tables and feature classes
An overview of adding datasets to the geodatabase
Creating datasets in the Catalog tree
Copying feature datasets, classes, and tables to another geodatabase
ArcGIS functionality available for database tables that are not registered with the geodatabase
Registering a table with the geodatabase
A quick tour of exporting data
Exporting feature datasets, classes, and tables
Exporting features or records to an export file
About exporting selected features and records
Exporting selected features with the Extract Data wizard
Exporting selected features with the Export Data command
Exporting selected records from a table
About loading data into existing feature classes and tables
Workflow strategies for loading data
Loading data in the Catalog tree
About loading data in ArcMap
Adding the Load Objects command to ArcMap
Loading data with the Load Objects command
Loading an XML recordset document in the Catalog tree
Adding the Load XML Recordset Document command to ArcMap
Loading an XML Recordset document in ArcMap
An overview of importing datasets
About importing feature classes
Importing a feature class (single)
Importing a feature class (multiple)
About importing tables
Importing a table (single)
Importing a table (multiple)
Importing a raster dataset
Importing feature datasets, classes, and tables from an XML workspace document
How data converts when importing
An overview of data maintenance and transactions
What is a transaction?
Transactions and geographic data
Data maintenance strategies
Deciding how to register data
Granting and revoking privileges on datasets
Updating statistics on a dataset using the Analyze Datasets tool
Rebuilding dataset indexes using the Rebuild Indexes tool
Viewing dataset or version locks
A quick tour of working with nonversioned data
Configuring an ArcMap edit session to perform nonversioned edits
Concurrency and locking
Isolation levels
Working with data integrity features
Editing nonversioned data with constraints
Nonversioned editing and the feature cache
What is a version?
A quick tour of versioning
Essential versioning vocabulary
Version scenarios
A quick tour of registering and unregistering data as versioned
Registering data as versioned
Unregistering data as versioned
Creating versions and setting permissions
Version creation example
Version properties
The version tree view
Changing versions in ArcMap
Refreshing a version
Working with historical versions
Recommended version administration workflow
Using Python scripting to batch reconcile and post versions
Deleting versions
The version editing process
Saving edits to a version
Using the Version Changes command
A quick tour of reconciling a version
Reconciling a version
A quick tour of reviewing conflicts
Interactive conflict resolution
Resolving conflicts interactively at the field level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the row level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the class level
Resolving conflicts interactively at the root level
Posting changes
The geodatabase compress operation
Compressing an enterprise geodatabase
Compressing a geodatabase on a database server
Understanding distributed data
Scenarios using distributed data
Working with geodatabase replicas
Replicas and geodatabases
Replication types
Connected and disconnected replication
Preparing data for replication
Replica creation and versioning
Replication and related data
Replication and topology
Replication and geometric networks
Replication and raster data
Replication and terrains, network datasets, parcel fabrics, and representations
Geodatabase replication and ArcGIS for Server
The Create Replica wizard
Creating a checkout replica
Creating a one-way or two-way replica
Feature information models for replicas
Replicas in a disconnected environment
Replicas created with the option to register with existing data
Reusing a schema to create a replica
What is synchronization?
Synchronizing with filters and related data
Synchronization and geometric networks
Synchronization and topology
Synchronization and versioning
A quick tour of synchronizing connected replicas
Connected synchronization
Synchronizing connected replicas
A quick tour of synchronizing disconnected replicas
Disconnected synchronization
Exporting a data change message
Exporting an acknowledgment message
Reexporting a data change message
Importing a data change message
Resolving synchronization conflicts manually
Schema changes
Working with schema changes
Exporting a replica schema
Comparing replica schema
Importing a replica schema
A quick tour of replica management
The replica activity log
Creating replica footprints
Replication and geodatabase releases
Geodatabase archiving
Enabling archiving
The archive process
Working with historical versions
Working with historical markers
Working with the Geodatabase History Viewer
Working directly with the archive class
Schema changes and archiving
Disabling archiving
Archiving scenarios