A quick tour of sharing geoprocessing workflows
What is a geoprocessing package?
A quick tour of geoprocessing packages
Essential vocabulary for geoprocessing packages
A quick tour of creating a geoprocessing package
Packaging Python scripts
Adding a result to a geoprocessing package
Analyzing a geoprocessing package
00067: Script tool <value> source contains broken toolbox path: <value>
00068: Result <value> contains broken project data source: <value>
00069: Invalid tool
00070: Summary is missing
00071: Tags are missing
00072: Script tool <value> has syntax error: <value>
00073: Script tool has a broken datasource
00074: Script tool <value> source not supported: <value>
00080: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00081: Python toolbox <value> contains imports <value>
00082: Output parameter <value> in task <value> requires a result map service
00089: Tool <value> is not licensed for use in an ArcGIS Runtime package
00092: The <value> parameter is missing a description
00104: The <value> parameter is missing a syntax dialog explanation in the item description
00106: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00132: <value> is unsupported within a registered folder for task <value>
00143: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
00144: ArcGIS Server does not have the product or extension license <value> needed for tool <value>
00148: Project data source: <value> in task <value> is unsupported
00150: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
00151 - Tool <value> is unsupported on server
00152: Tool <value> cannot be published because it contains list variables
00153: Cannot use result map service because output parameter <value> in task <value> is written to in-memory
00178: Data: <value>; used by <value> cannot be copied to the server
24010 : Tool <value> is based upon a DLL and may not be available in other installations
24032: Data source used by tool <value> is not registered with the server and will be copied to the server: <value>
24045: <value> tool requires the <value> ArcGIS Runtime extension license
24046: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
24051: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
24056: <value> tool requires ArcGIS Runtime <value> with geoprocessing deployment
Sharing a geoprocessing package
Using a geoprocessing package
What is a geoprocessing service?
A quick tour of authoring and sharing geoprocessing services
Essential vocabulary for geoprocessing services
Authoring geoprocessing tasks with ModelBuilder
Authoring geoprocessing tasks with Python scripts
Coordinate system considerations for geoprocessing services
Defining output symbology for geoprocessing tasks
Documenting geoprocessing services and tasks
Performance tips for geoprocessing services
Zip (compress) Python script
Unzip Python script
A quick tour of publishing a geoprocessing service
Adding a task to a geoprocessing service
Previewing a geoprocessing task
Analyzing a geoprocessing service
Publishing a geoprocessing service
Overview of geoprocessing service settings
Geoprocessing service settings: General
Geoprocessing service settings: Capabilities
Geoprocessing service settings: Parameters
Geoprocessing service settings: Pooling and Processes
Geoprocessing service settings: Item Description
Geoprocessing service settings: Sharing
Geoprocessing service settings: Advanced properties
Overview of geoprocessing task settings
Feature and table schemas for task parameters
Input modes and parameter data types
Geoprocessing task settings: Features
Geoprocessing task settings: Tables
Geoprocessing task settings: Rasters
Geoprocessing task settings: Files
Geoprocessing task settings: Scalars
Geoprocessing task settings: Constants
Geoprocessing task settings: Outputs
00067: Script tool <value> source contains broken toolbox path: <value>
00068: Result <value> contains broken project data source: <value>
00069: Invalid tool
00070: Summary is missing
00071: Tags are missing
00072: Script tool <value> has syntax error: <value>
00073: Script tool has a broken datasource
00074: Script tool <value> source not supported: <value>
00080: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00081: Python toolbox <value> contains imports <value>
00082: Output parameter <value> in task <value> requires a result map service
00089: Tool <value> is not licensed for use in an ArcGIS Runtime package
00092: The <value> parameter is missing a description
00104: The <value> parameter is missing a syntax dialog explanation in the item description
00106: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00132: <value> is unsupported within a registered folder for task <value>
00143: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
00144: ArcGIS Server does not have the product or extension license <value> needed for tool <value>
00148: Project data source: <value> in task <value> is unsupported
00150: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
00151 - Tool <value> is unsupported on server
00152: Tool <value> cannot be published because it contains list variables
00153: Cannot use result map service because output parameter <value> in task <value> is written to in-memory
00178: Data: <value>; used by <value> cannot be copied to the server
24010 : Tool <value> is based upon a DLL and may not be available in other installations
24032: Data source used by tool <value> is not registered with the server and will be copied to the server: <value>
24045: <value> tool requires the <value> ArcGIS Runtime extension license
24046: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
24051: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
24056: <value> tool requires ArcGIS Runtime <value> with geoprocessing deployment
A quick tour of using a service in ArcGIS for Desktop
Tutorial: Using geoprocessing tasks in Desktop
Using a geoprocessing service in Python scripts
Using geoprocessing services in ArcGIS Explorer for Windows Desktop
Using geoprocessing services from ArcGIS.com
Large dataset upload and download considerations
An overview of geoprocessing REST Services
Introduction to geoprocessing tasks (REST)
Task parameter properties (REST)
Task operation: execute (REST)
Task operation: submitJob (REST)
About result map services in REST applications
Troubleshooting geoprocessing REST services
Using geoprocessing tasks in web applications
Using result map service in web applications
Troubleshooting geoprocessing tasks in web applications
A quick tour of the geoprocessing service examples
Geoprocessing service example: Stream network
Geoprocessing service example: Watershed
Geoprocessing service example: Selecting data
Geoprocessing service example: Clip And Ship
Geoprocessing service example: Geometric Network Trace
Geoprocessing service example: list, create, and delete geodatabase versions
Tutorial: Publishing additional services for printing
Tutorial: Basic high-quality web map printing/exporting using arcpy.mapping
Tutorial: Advanced high-quality web map printing/exporting using arcpy.mapping
Overview of the Network Analyst geoprocessing service examples
Geoprocessing service example: Drive-time polygons
Geoprocessing service example: Shortest route on a street network
Deploying custom .NET and C++ tools
Deploying custom Java function tools
Deploying custom Python packages for ArcGIS Server
Migrating geoprocessing services from version 10 to 10.1
A quick tour of sharing custom tools
Managing intermediate (scratch) data in shared model and script tools
Embedding scripts and password protecting tools