Creating spatial indexes on tables with an ST_Geometry column using SQL

When you create a spatial index, you need to provide the following information:

The following are examples of creating a spatial index on an ST_Geometry column in each of the supported databases.

    • Oracle
      CREATE INDEX sa_idx ON sensitive_areas(zone)
      INDEXTYPE IS sde.st_spatial_index
      PARAMETERS('st_grids=1,3,0 st_srid=0');
      CREATE INDEX hs_idx ON hazardous_sites(location)
      INDEXTYPE IS sde.st_spatial_index
      PARAMETERS('st_grids=1,0,0 st_srid=0');
    • DB2
      CREATE INDEX sa_idx ON sensitive_areas(zone) 
      EXTEND USING db2gse.spatial_index (1.0, 3.0, 0.0)
      CREATE INDEX hs_idx ON hazardous_sites(location) 
      EXTEND USING db2gse.spatial_index (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    • PostgreSQL
      CREATE INDEX sa_idx ON sensitive_areas 
      USING gist(zone st_geometry_ops);
      CREATE INDEX sa_idx ON hazardous_sites
      USING gist(location st_geometry_ops);
    • Informix
      CREATE INDEX sa_ix
      ON sensitive_areas (zone ST_Geometry_ops)
      CREATE INDEX hs_ix
      ON hazardous_sites (location ST_Geometry_ops)

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