Installing the ST_Raster type in a remote Oracle database

If the ArcSDE command line tools are installed on a different server than your Oracle database, follow these instructions to create the ST_Raster type in the database and configure access to it:

  1. Install the ArcSDE application server for Oracle and command line tools.

    This installation can be downloaded from the Esri Customer Care Portal.

  2. Log in to the Oracle remote host machine.
  3. Create a directory on your Oracle host machine accessible to Oracle to hold the libst_raster_ora library.
  4. Place the libst_raster_ora library in the directory you created.

    Be sure to copy the libst_raster_ora library specific to the operating system of your Oracle server: libst_raster_ora.dll is for Windows; is for Linux, Solaris, HP-UX Itanium, IBM AIX.

  5. Update the listener.ora file to include the path in EXTPROC_DLLS.
  6. Using SQL, connect as the sde user and create the Oracle libst_raster library.
    AS '<absolute path to libst_raster_ora library>'
  7. Log in to the server where the ArcSDE command line tools are installed.
  8. Run the sdesetup command with the install_st_raster operation.
    sdesetup -o install_st_raster -d ORACLE11G
    -s oserver -u sde
    Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
    Install or update ST_Raster schema objects: Are you sure? (Y/N):
  9. Using an Oracle SQL editor, such as SQL*Plus, connect as any user and test the installation of the ST_Raster type.

    Successful results for this query include "No data found," if no raster data exists in the geodatabase yet, or a list of the raster columns in the database. An error message is returned if the Oracle listener is not started or the libst_raster_ora library is not accessible. The library may not be accessible if ST_Raster was not installed, the listener.ora file was not updated with the path to the libst_raster_ora library, or the libst_raster_ora library was copied to the wrong location.

    In this example, the describe utility is run to list existing ST_Raster and binary raster columns in the database. In this case, this is a new geodatabase and there are no raster columns yet in the database. Since no error message is returned, you know the installation was successful.

    SELECT sde.st_raster_util.describe() 
    FROM dual;
    No data found.

    In this example, the describe utility is also run. However, in this case, the path to the libst_raster_ora library was not added to the listener.ora ENV parameter. Correct the problem and run the query again to be sure it is fixed.

    SELECT sde.st_raster_util.describe() 
    FROM dual;
    ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent
    ORA-06512: at "SDE.ST_RASTER_UTIL", line 190
    ORA-06512: at "SDE_ST_RASTER_UTIL", line 377
  10. Either create an ST_RASTER configuration keyword in the DBTUNE table with the RASTER_STORAGE parameter set to ST_RASTER or set the RASTER_STORAGE parameter under the DEFAULTS keyword to ST_RASTER.
    • If you want most or all of your raster data to be created using the ST_Raster type when using ArcGIS software, set the RASTER_STORAGE parameter value under the DEFAULTS keyword to ST_RASTER.
      sdedbtune -o alter -k DEFAULTS -P RASTER_STORAGE
      -v ST_RASTER -i sde:oracle11g -s bigserve -u sde
      Update DBTUNE data: Are you sure? (Y/N):
    • If you want to create only some raster data with ST_Raster storage, add a keyword—ST_RASTER—to your DBTUNE table and include the RASTER_STORAGE parameter set to ST_RASTER and the UI_TEXT parameter.
      sdedbtune -o insert -k ST_RASTER -P RASTER_STORAGE 
      -v ST_RASTER -i sde:oracle11g -s bigserve -u sde
      sdedbtune -o insert -k ST_RASTER -P UI_TEXT -v UI_TEXT 
      -i sde:oracle11g -s bigserve -u sde

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