Load A Topology To A Parcel Fabric (Parcel Fabric)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Loads polygon and line features that participate in a topology into a target parcel fabric. The topology requires a predefined set of topology rules:



LoadTopologyToParcelFabric_fabric (target_parcel_fabric, in_topology_class, {in_point_class}, {linestring_minimum_segments}, {control_match_tolerance}, unjoined_group, {direction_units}, {direction_type}, compute_area, {area_units}, {radial_point_tolerance}, {accuracy_units})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The target parcel fabric where the data will be migrated.

Parcel Fabric Layer

Input feature class or layer that is part of a topology. The feature class can either be a line or polygon.

Feature Layer

Input point feature class or layer. The point feature class does not need to be part of a topology. Only user-defined attributes on the input point feature class will be migrated to corresponding points in the parcel fabric.

Feature Layer

The minimum number of segments a polyline feature can have before it is considered and migrated as a line string or natural boundary in the parcel fabric. The default is a minimum of 10 segments.


The tolerance in which new, migrated fabric points are linked with existing control points found in the fabric. The tolerance length units are the same as the length units of the coordinate system of the fabric. If a control match tolerance is not specified, the default of 0.1 meters is used.

Linear unit

Determines how features will be migrated.

  • UNJOINED_GROUPFeatures will be migrated as unjoined, stand-alone parcels to the parcel fabric.
  • JOINED_GROUPFeatures will be migrated as joined parcels to the parcel fabric

The direction units to be used when generating COGO bearing attributes for line features during the migration process.

  • DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDSOne degree equals 1/360 of a circle. Fractions of a degree are represented in minutes and seconds, where one minute equals 1/60 of a degree and one second equals 1/60 of a minute. Degrees Minutes and Seconds are stored as strings and interpreted accordingly. This is the default.
  • DECIMAL_DEGREESSimilar to Degrees Minutes and Seconds, but fractions of degrees are represented as decimal values. Any number between 0 and 360 is valid.
  • RADIANSAn angular unit of measure, where there are 2 pi or approximately 6.28318 in a complete circle. One radian is equivalent to about 57.296 degrees. Any number between 0 and 62318 is valid.
  • GONSThe same angular unit of measure as gradians where the right angle is divided into 100 parts. One gon is equal to 1/400 of a circle.
  • GRADIANSAn angular unit of measure where the right angle is divided into 100 parts. One gradian is equal to 1/400 of a circle.

The direction type to be used when generating COGO bearing attributes for line features during the migration process.

  • SOUTH_AZIMUTHDirections are measured clockwise from south.
  • NORTH_AZIMUTHDirections are measured clockwise from north.
  • POLARDirections are measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
  • QUADRANT_BEARINGDirections are measured from a reference bearing of North or South, then East or West. NE bearings are measured clockwise from North. SE bearings are measured counterclockwise from South. SW bearings are measured clockwise from South. NW bearings are measured counterclockwise from North. This is the default.

Determines how features will be migrated.

  • COMPUTE_AREAParcel area is computed from the polygon shape or COGO attributes. The Stated Area fabric system attribute on the fabric parcels table is populated with the computed value.
  • NO_COMPUTEParcel area is not computed from the polygon shape or COGO attributes. The Stated Area fabric system attribute on the fabric parcels table is not populated.

If the Compute Area for New Parcels option is checked, select the area units to be used when computing parcel area during the migration process.

  • SQUARE_METERS_HECTARE_OR_KILOMETERSDepending on the size of the value, Square Meters, Hectares, or Kilometers is used as the unit of area. For example, if the area value is greater than 10,000, the area unit that will be used is Hectares. This is the default.
  • ACRES_ROODS_OR_PERCHESDepending on the size of the value, Acres, Roods, or Perches is used as the unit of area. For example, if the area value is greater than 160, the area unit that will be used is Acres.
  • SQUARE_METERSAn International System of Units (SI) derived unit of area. Defined as the area of a square whose sides measure exactly one meter.
  • HECTARESAn SI unit of area equal to 10,000 Square Meters. Symbolized as ha.
  • ACRESA United States Customary or Imperial unit of area equal to 4046.87 m² or 44,560 Square Feet.
  • SQUARE_RODSA United States Customary or Imperial unit of area equal to 5.0292 meters or 16.5 Feet. A Rod is the same length as a Perch and 160 Rods equals one Acre.
  • ROODSA United States Customary or Imperial unit of area. One Acre equals four Roods and one Rood equals 40 Perches.
  • PERCHESA United States Customary or Imperial unit of area equal to a Square Rod. 160 Perches equals one Acre.
  • SQUARE_FEETA United States customary or Imperial unit of area. Defined as the area of a square whose sides measure exactly one Foot. One Foot equals 0.3048 Meters.
  • SQUARE_US_FEETA unit of area used when collecting survey data in the United States. One U.S. Foot equals 0.3048006 Meters.
  • QUARTER_SECTIONSAn area of unit used under the Public Land Survey System in the United States. A Section is an area equal to one Square Mile or 640 Acres. A Quarter Section is one-fourth of a Square Mile and is equal to 160 Acres.
  • SECTIONSAn area of unit used under the Public Land Survey System in the United States. A Section is an area equal to one Square Mile or 640 Acres.

The tolerance in which new, computed curve center points are matched with existing curve center points found in the fabric. Furthermore, if several computed curve center points lie within this tolerance, they are averaged and merged into a single center point. If a radial tolerance is not specified, the default of 0.5 meters is used.

Linear unit

The accuracy category of the lines and polygons being migrated. Accuracy categories are defined by date of survey in the parcel fabric. Accuracy category 1 is the highest data accuracy (recently surveyed) and accuracy category 6 is the lowest data accuracy (year 1800 or lower). Accuracy categories are used in the fabric adjustment.

  • 1_HIGHESTMost recently surveyed and recorded data. Data accuracy is the highest.
  • 2_AFTER_1980Data is surveyed and recorded after 1980.
  • 3_1908_TO_1980Data is surveyed and recorded between 1908 and 1980.
  • 4_1881_TO_1907Data is surveyed and recorded between 1881 and 1907.
  • 5_BEFORE_1881Data is surveyed and recorded before 1881. Data accuracy is low.
  • 6_1800Data is surveyed and recorded before 1800. Data accuracy is low. This is the default.
  • 7_LOWESTData is unreliable and data accuracy is unknown. Data is excluded from influencing the outcome of a fabric adjustment.

Code Sample

LoadATopologyToAParcelFabric example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the LoadATopologyToAParcelFabric tool in immediate mode.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/Parcel_Editor_Tutorial/Encinitas_City/Cadastral.gdb"
arcpy.LoadTopologyToParcelFabric_fabric("NewFabric", "Enc_polgon", "", "100", "0.5",
                                        "JOINED_GROUP", "DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS",
                                        "NORTH AZIMUTH", "COMPUTE_AREA", "HECTARES",
                                        "1", "3 - 1908 to 1980")
LoadATopologyToAParcelFabric example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to iterate through and load selected groups of parcels using the LoadTopologyToParcelFabric tool.

# Name: LoadTopologyToParcelFabric_Example2.py
# Description: Iterates through selections of parcels and imports each parcel selection
#              into a parcel fabric. Parcels are selected using overlying blocks in the
#              IterateBlocks feature class. Each polygon in IterateBlock is selected
#              by block number in the "BlockNumber" attribute field.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data/OaklandCounty.gdb/ParcelData"

# Set variables
# BlockNumber is an attribute on the ItearateBlocks feature class
x = 1
whereclause = '%s = %s' % ("BlockNumber",x)

# Make feature layers from feature classes

# Search feature class IterateBlock and obtain all features (block polygons)
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("IterateBlock","","","","")

# Iterate and select each block. For each selected block, select underlying parcels
# and import selected parcels
row = rows.next()
while row <> None:
    x = x+1
    whereclause = '%s = %s' % ("BlockNumber",x)
    row = rows.next()

# Since we only imported parcels that were completely within the IterateBlock polygons, we
# now need to import the perimeter parcels that are crossed by the boundary of the IterateBlock polygons

# Clear existing selection on IterateBlock_lyr


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes