Segmentation Charts (Business Analyst)
Graphically displays index values for each segment when comparing two or more profiles. These charts are used to graphically illustrate the values in a Customer Tapestry Profile Report.
The Chart Type parameter has three options:
- PROFILE_COMPARISON_CHART compares one target profile to a base profile.
- MULTI_PROFILE_CHART compares up to four target profiles to a single base profile. The first target profile in the list of segmentation profiles will be used to create the bar chart. The other three target profiles will be created using line charts on top of the bar chart.
- GAME_PLAN divides segments into four quadrants based on percent composition and index. Use this chart to identify core, developmental, and niche target groups.
The Base Segmentation Profile can be generated using the Create Profile By Area Summation tool.
If you are unclear about what to use as the Base Segmentation Profile, you can use the whole United States.
The segmentation base can be generated using total adult population or total households.
Total adult population includes individuals 18 years old or older.
The Chart X is used to control the position of the x-axis along the y-axis in the chart. A value of .5 will position the x-axis directly n the middle of the chart along the y-axis. As this value reaches 0 the x-axis will shift left in the chart and as this value reaches 1 it will shift right in the chart. Typically this value is changed based on the Chart Index Center. If the Chart Index Center is set very low or you expect high index values in your chart then it is recommend to set this value at .25 as this will provide more room on the chart to display the index values. If the Chart Index Center is set very high or you expect low index values in your chart then it is recommend to set this value at .75 as this will provide more room on the chart to display the index values.
The Chart Index Center and the Chart Percent Composition Center can be used only when Chart Type is set to GAME_PLAN but these values are still optional.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
ChartType |
Selects the segmentation chart type.
| String |
BaseSegmentationProfile |
The base profile used in the calculation of the index and percent penetration. This profile is usually based on the geographic extent of your customers. | Folder |
SegmentationProfiles [SegmentationProfiles,...] |
One or more segmentation profiles used to generate the Multi Profile Chart. The target profiles that will be compared to the base profile. Typically, this is based on your customers and is generated using the Segmentation Profile tools. | Folder |
TargetGroup |
Selects the segmentation group.
| String |
ChartY |
This value controls the x-axis position along the y-axis in the chart. | Double |
ChartIndex |
Defines the x-axis of the chart. This value is used to determine the threshold index of your analysis. Anything above this axis would exceed the index threshold. | Double |
ChartPrc |
Defines the y-axis of the chart. This value is used to determine the percent composition threshold of your analysis. Anything to the right of this axis would exceed the threshold. | Double |
ReportTitle (Optional) |
Title for the report. | String |
OutputDirectory |
The output directory that will contain the report. | Folder |
ChartPreferencesXml (Optional) |
Used for determining preferences set to the chart. | File |
ReportFormats [ReportFormats,...] (Optional) |
The desired report output format.
| String |
Code Sample
# Name:
# Description: Calculates how well customers in the San Francisco penetrate the households in that market.
# Author: ESRI
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define input and output parameters for the Segmentation Chart
BaseSeg = "San Francisco Area Profile"
TargetSeg = "Profile_0"
numX = 10.5
numIndex = 100
numComp = 4
Title = "My Chart Title"
OutPath = "C:/temp/Segmentation_Chart"
# Create Segmentation Chart
arcpy.SegmentationCharts_ba("PROFILE_COMPARISON_CHART", BaseSeg, TargetSeg, "Lifemodes", numX, numIndex, numComp, Title, OutPath)
# Release extension license
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)