Create Trade Area From Geography Levels (Business Analyst)
Generates trade areas based on standard geographic units.
Learn more about how Create Trade Area From Geography Levels works
The spatial reference of the output feature class will be the same as the input geography boundary layer.
Use the Append Fields From Geography Boundary to Output option to include the demographic data of an ESRI dataset in the output trade areas.
The Table Containing Matching Geography Fields must be in a format compatible with ArcMap. Your tabular data can be in the form of a database file format (.dbf) file, a comma- or tab-delimited text (.txt) file, or a relational database management system (RDBMS).
All nonmatching ZIP Codes will be excluded in the output trade area.
Nonmatching ZIP Codes are ZIP Code records in the Table Containing Matching Geography IDs that are not valid and do not have a corresponding feature in the input geography boundary layer.
If you want to select from a list of available geographic features to create a study area, you can use the Trade Area wizard in ArcMap. Selecting geographic features is not available as a geoprocessing tool.
In ArcMap, trade areas will only be created for features that are within the active study area or analysis extent.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
Dissolve (Optional) |
This option dissolves the output based on the selected Store ID.
| Boolean |
InputGeographyLevelLayer |
The input feature class used to extract the trade area. | Feature Layer |
InputGeographyLevelIdField |
The unique identifier for the input geography layer. | Field |
InputGeographyUnitsTable |
The input table used to select the standard geography units that will define the trade area. | Table View |
InputGeographyUnitsIdField |
The associated geography ID field used to select the geographic units from the input geography boundary layer. | Field |
InputGeographyUnitsStoreIdField (Optional) |
This field assigns the same standard geography units to several stores. | Field |
InputHandleDuplicateBehavior |
Allows you to filter duplicate fields in the table containing matching geographic IDs.
| String |
OutputFeatureClass |
The feature class that will contain the trade area features. | Feature Class |
InputAppendVisibleFields (Optional) |
Appends the fields from the geography boundary to the output feature class.
| Boolean |
Code Sample
# Name:
# Description: Automatically selects a set of ZIP Codes in San Francisco County from a list.
# Author: ESRI
i# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
# Acquire extension license
arcpy.AddToolbox("C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Define input and output parameters for the Create Trade Area From Geography Levels tool
InputGeo = "C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Business Analyst/Data/BDS/esri_zip5.bds"
InputIds = "C:/temp/sf_custs.dbf"
GeoId = "ID"
Id = "ZIP"
OutPath = "C:/temp/Output_Geography.shp"
# Create standard geography based trade areas
arcpy.CreateTAFromGeographyLevels_ba(InputGeo, GeoId, InputIds, Id, "USE_FIRST_FEATURE", OutPath)
# Release extension license
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)