20033: Data format requires additional ArcGIS Runtime deployment option
Your layer is a either a shapefile, mosaic raster, or ECW raster. In the ArcGIS Runtime Deployment Builder, under Additional Data Formats for Raster, ensure you have checked the deployment option that corresponds to the layer type:
- Shapefiles work in ArcGIS Runtime applications only if the applications are deployed with the Vector option checked.
- Mosaics work in ArcGIS Runtime applications only if the applications are deployed with the Mosaic Rasters option checked, under Raster.
- ECWs work in ArcGIS Runtime applications only if the applications are deployed with the ECW Rasters option checked, under Raster.
- When creating your deployment, ensure that the appropriate Additional Data Formats option is checked in the Deployment Builder.
- Alternatively, you can convert shapefiles to a file geodatabase.
- Otherwise you can remove the layer if it is not needed.