Least-squares adjustment errors and their descriptions

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

After a least-squares adjustment has completed, an adjustment summary of the results is displayed. If the adjustment failed to complete, the adjustment summary will state ADJUSTMENT FAILED and will list the reasons why the adjustment failed. If the adjustment completes successfully, the adjustment report will state ADJUSTMENT COMPLETED.

If the adjustment completes successfully, the maximum coordinate shift resulting from the adjustment is displayed under the Help button under Maximum shift. If you scroll down in the adjustment summary, the point that received the maximum coordinate shift is listed with the average coordinate shift for all points.

A fabric least-squares adjustment should be run repeatedly (iteratively) until the maximum and average coordinate shifts become 0.0 or very small. To iterate the adjustment, click Accept on the Least Squares Adjustment Summary dialog box and then click Run again on the Adjust Coordinates dialog box. To complete the adjustment, click OK on the Adjust Coordinates dialog box.

Errors causing the adjustment to fail

The following list describes adjustment failure errors and their resolutions:
