Writing the service configuration to the server log file
For debugging purposes, the current service configuration information can be written out to the server log file. It includes both the service and service job configuration. It also includes some additional status information such as the number of times the job has been run (the Job Run Number) and the start time of the next scheduled job. All of this information is appended to the end of the server log file when you choose Spool the Configuration Information to the Log file on the Reviewer Service Control dialog box.
Serverlogentryformat: xml Revservicelogfolder: C:\RevService\Test\logs Revenginelogfolder: C:\RevService\Test\logs Overwriteserverstatusonstartup: False Datetimeformat: R RevServiceJobs RevJob[0]: RevServiceJob BatchJob[0]: C:\TestData\RevService\Simple_Test.rbj Workspace: C:\TestData\RevService\RevService.mdb Session: Session 1 Starttime: now Interval: 01:00 Checkchangedonly: False Rundefaultchecksfromsession: False Job Schedulers: RevServiceJobExec ================ Job Id: 0 Job Run Number: 1 Job Config File: C:\RevService\Test2\jobs\job2.xml Rev License Manager: True Time now: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:36:05 GMT Scheduler: Initial start time: now Interval duration: 01:00 Current start time: 6/17/2008 9:21:00 AM Next start time: 6/17/2008 10:21:00 AM Timer Enabled: True DoRunServiceJob: True MaxWaitTime: 00:00:00 (hrs:min:sec) Class Settings: ======================== Disabled: False ShowTimerMessages: False RunServiceProc =================== Thread Id: 5 Thread State: Running Thread Appartment state: STA
Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop > DRD Service Controller 10.1.
The Data Reviewer Service Controller icon
appears in the system tray.
Right-click the Data Reviewer Service Controller icon
in the system tray and click Manage Service.
The Reviewer Service Control dialog box appears.
Click the Execute Custom Commands button
and click Spool Configuration to Log.
The properties for the Data Reviewer service are appended to the end of the server log file.
Click the Close button