Renaming shapefile fields (Defense Mapping)
Shapefile data fields can be renamed using a configuration file, which is a comma-delimited text file that contains the current name of the column and its new name. This allows you to replace truncated field names that are greater than 10 characters with meaningful names.

You cannot rename ID, shape, geometry, and other uneditable field names.
Once the configuration file is created, it can then be used by the Rename Shapefile Fields command to rename the columns. Any columns that have names that match what is specified in the configuration file will have the column name replaced with the alternate name, as defined in the file. Fields that are not listed in the configuration file will not be replaced.
- Start ArcCatalog.
- Add the Rename Shapefile Fields Command to a toolbar by doing the following:
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- In the Categories list, click Defense Mapping.
- Click and drag the Rename Shapefile Fields Command button
from the Commands list to a toolbar.
- Click Close.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
- Click the Rename Shapefile Fields Command button
The Navigate to the configuration file dialog box appears.
Navigate to the configuration file you created previously.
If you need to create a configuration file for the shapefile you are working with, see Creating a configuration file for renaming shapefile fields.
Click OK.
The RenameShapefileFields dialog box appears.
Navigate to the shapefiles whose fields you want to rename.
You can press the SHIFT or CTRL key to choose multiple shapefiles.
Click Add.
The Browse for output folder dialog box appears.
- Navigate to or create a folder for storing the renamed shapefile.
Click OK.
The shapefile fields are renamed and exported to the folder you designated previously. A message box appears that states the number of shapefiles processed.
- Click OK.