Populating the dimension, elevation, and angle of orientation field values (Defense Mapping)
The Calculate Metrics tool populates the Angle of Orientation, Area, Length/Diameter, and ZV2 (optionally) attribute fields in your data. The angle of orientation, area, and length/diameter attributes vary based on what is listed on the Attributes tab on the Defense Mapping Properties dialog box and are separate from the ArcGIS internal attributes for area and length (Shape_Area and Shape_Length). To calculate the attributes for the feature attributes, the data is projected using the appropriate UTM zone. This differs from the internal attributes, which are based on the native coordinate system for the geodatabase; this is usually WGS 1984.
The angle of orientation, area, length, and ZV2 values can be calculated for entire feature classes or selected features that contain these fields.
The table below illustrates which attributes can be calculated for each geometry type:
Geometry type |
Attributes calculated |
Point |
Z-value (optional) |
Line |
Polygon |
The optional attributes are only calculated if you check a specific check box on the Calculate Metrics dialog box. For example, the ZV2 values are only calculated if the Populate ZV2/ZVH from Zs on the feature check box is checked.

When you have a polygon that is not square or rectangular, an envelope is formed around the feature so the length and width can be calculated based on its dimensions. In the example below, the shape of the building area cannot be used to easily calculate the angle of orientation, length, and width.
![]() |
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, load data in the map.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Defense Mapping.
Click the Production Start Editing button
on the Production Editing toolbar.
The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.
If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button
on the Manage Features window.
If you only want to use this tool with a selected set of features, select the features in the map.
If you do not select features, you can only use this tool with entire feature classes.
Click the Calculate Metrics button
on the Defense Mapping toolbar.
The Calculate Metrics dialog box appears.
Uncheck layers for which you do not want to populate attribute values.
You can click Select All or Clear All to simultaneously check or uncheck all the layers in the Layers list, respectively.
If you want to populate the length values for polygons, check the Populate Length check box.
For polygons, it is recommended that you calculate the length only with a selection set because you may experience an increase in processing time.
If you want to populate the width values for polygons, check the Populate Width check box.
For polygons, it is recommended that you calculate the width only with a selection set because you may experience an increase in processing time.
- If you want to populate the angle values, check the Populate Angle of Orientation check box.
This calculates the Angle of Orientation (AOO), Direction of Flow (DOF), or Feature Element Orientation (FEO) value for the features, as applicable.
If you want to populate the z-values, check the Populate ZV2/ZVH from Zs on features check box.
The highest z-values are used to populate the ZV2 field.
- Click the Decimal Places up or down arrow to change the decimal places for the attributes.
Click Apply.
A message box appears that notifies you that the process is complete.
- Click OK.