Inserting a US National Grid Reference Box element (Defense Mapping)
The U.S. National Grid Reference Box references the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid zone designator and the two-letter location identifiers of the 100,000-meter grid squares that cover the extent of the active data frame. Multiple combinations of grid zone identifiers and 100,000-meter grid squares are possible when the data frame extent crosses zone boundaries.

The scale must be set to 1:250,000 or larger to use this tool.
Grid zone designations are unique identifiers specified with numbers from 1–60 for the UTM zones and letters C through X (skipping I and O) specifying 8 degrees of latitude each, starting at 80 degrees south and going to 84 degrees north.
Each grid zone is subdivided into 100,000-meter grid squares specified by two-letter identifiers, with the first letter indicating a column and the second letter indicating a row.
The information displayed in the reference box, including the grid zone designation and the two-letter location identifiers of the 100,000-meter grid squares, is initially determined from the map extents. This information can be further modified on the National Grid Reference Box Properties dialog box.
- Start ArcMap.
- Verify that the map is in layout view.
On the main menu, click Insert > Topographic > US National Grid Reference Box.
A National Grid Reference Box appears in the map layout based on the grid zones and 100,000-meter identifiers.
Double-click the National Grid Reference Box.
The National Grid Reference Box Properties dialog box appears.
Uncheck the Update Dynamically check box.
The 100,000-meter Identifier and Grid Zone Designation text boxes and associated options become available.
The Display Text Description text box becomes available.
- If necessary, check the Display Grid Reference Box check box.
Click one of the following options for the 100,000-meter identifier:
- Single—This option allows you to enter a single location identifier in the 100,000-meter Identifier text box.
- Multiple—This option displays multiple 100,000-meter Identifier text boxes for defining additional location identifiers.
- Type or modify a location identifier in the 100,000-meter Identifier text box or boxes.
Click one of the following options for the grid zone designation:
- Single—This option allows you to enter a single grid zone designation in the Grid Zone Designation text box.
- Multiple—This option displays multiple Grid Zone Designation text boxes for defining additional UTM grid zone designators.
- Type or modify a grid zone designation in the Grid Zone Designation text box or boxes.
- Optionally, check the Display Text Description check box.
- Optionally, type a grid description in the Display Text Description text box.
- Click OK.