Creating and setting the product library as a personal or file geodatabase (Maritime Charting)
Using a personal or file geodatabase allows you to create a local database that can be placed on a network location and accessed by a limited number of users. The following process outlines the steps for creating a personal or file geodatabase that can then be used as a product library.
Creating a new personal or file geodatabase
A new personal or file geodatabase needs to be created to be used as the product library.
You can create a new personal or file geodatabase in ArcMap in the Catalog window.
- Start ArcMap.
Click the Catalog Window button
on the Standard toolbar to open the Catalog window.
- Navigate to the location where you want to create the new geodatabase.
Right-click the folder in the Catalog tree where you want to create the new geodatabase, point to New, then click one of the following:
- Personal Geodatabase—If you want to create a personal geodatabase
- File Geodatabase—If you want to create a file geodatabase
A new geodatabase is created in the location you selected.
Type the name for the new geodatabase.
You can also rename the new geodatabase by right-clicking the new geodatabase name and clicking Rename.
Defining and upgrading the geodatabase as a product library
After the geodatabase has been created, various tables and feature classes that are part of the product library need to be added to it. This process can be completed in ArcMap. The tables and feature classes are created under the schema that is owned by the user that is connected. The user must be the owner of the schema that was used to create the product library to be able to upgrade and create or delete product classes. To allow other users to be the schema owner, the properties need to be changed in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
When no product library workspace is defined, and you add data that is stored in a geodatabase, which is a product library and a production database, the product library workspace points to this geodatabase; the data model versions are also set automatically.
The steps in this section are for defining and upgrading the geodatabase as a product library in ArcMap.
- On the menu bar, click Customize > Production > Product Library.
If the Product Library command is not enabled, you may need to enable the Production Mapping extension by clicking Customize > Extensions and checking the check box for Production Mapping.
You can also open the window by clicking the Product Library button
on the Production Cartography or Production Editing toolbar.
Right-click Product Library and
click Select Product Library.
The Choose Product Library Workspace dialog box appears.
Navigate to the product library database.
The ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting installs a preconfigured product library as a workspace XML file at <Install Location>\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Esri\Production10.1\Desktop\ProductLibraryFiles. If you do not have a product library file to upgrade, it is strongly recommended that you import the product library workspace XML into an empty geodatabase in one of the following environments:
Click Open.
The Upgrade Product Library Workspace or the Create Product Library Workspace dialog box appears if the geodatabase does not have all the components necessary to perform as a product library. Continue to step 5 if one of these dialog boxes appears.
If you also have the Maritime Charting installed, tables are added to the product library schema that are necessary for nautical production but do not impact non–nautical production.
If this is not a new product library, and if an error appears when you choose a geodatabase as the product library, it may need to be compacted or compressed to restore its integrity. Compacting applies to personal and file geodatabases, and compressing applies to enterprise geodatabases.
- Perform the following steps if you want to upgrade or create the geodatabase you want to use as the product library.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow in the Select Configuration Keyword area and choose an option.
Options vary based on whether the database is a personal, file, or ArcSDE geodatabase.
- Click OK.
- Click OK once the upgrade or creation completes.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow in the Select Configuration Keyword area and choose an option.
Granting permissions to the database
When the product library is a personal or file geodatabase, all users have the same level of access and permissions. Access to the product library is managed by Windows login authentication.
When a nonadministrative user is going to be setting and using the product library database, the system administrator needs to provide the following permissions for that user:
Full Control for the database

Full Control for the directory that contains the database