Creating and populating a database for an instance (Maritime Charting)
The Create Database command does the following in the desktop production environment:
- Creates the instance production database
- If the Import Existing Data option was selected in the New Product Wizard and S-57 files were selected for import, it also imports the S-57 data into the instance production database
- Checks in the production database into the product library
The Create Database command does the following in the enterprise production environment:
- Creates the instance production database
- Extracts data from the NIS production database
- Establishes replicas between the NIS and the instance production database
- Checks in the production database into the product library

If you are in an enterprise environment for ENCs and charts, or in a desktop environment for charts, the AOI level(s) need to have valid features (at least one feature must have Use attribute set to 1).
- Start ArcMap.
If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
- Navigate to the product instance that was created by the New Nautical Product wizard.
- Right-click the instance and click Create Database.
The Creating Database dialog box appears with the progress.
- Click OK when the process completes.