Distributing data models, data model versions, and files (Maritime Charting)

A data model is a container for groups of data model versions. A data model version is the workspace schema that is used for specific edit tools. When distributing data models or data model versions, you have the option to choose any that are contained within the product library. The data model, data model version, and associated files, such as batch jobs and field configurations, are automatically distributed.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, add the Distribute Product Library tool by doing the following:
    1. On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.

      The Customize dialog box appears.

    2. Click the Commands tab.
    3. In the Categories list, choose Product Library.
    4. In the Commands list, click and drag the Distribute Product Library button Distribute Product Library to a toolbar.
    5. Click Close.
  3. Click the Distribute Product Library button Distribute Product Library.

    The Distribute Product Library dialog box appears. The source is preset to the location of the current product library.

    Distribute Product Library dialog box
  4. Click the Source Product Library drop-down arrow and choose the source from which you are distributing.
    • Geodatabase—Allows you to point to an existing product library from which you want to copy product information.
    • Workspace XML—Allows you to point to a file location where an XML workspace document exists. The XML must have been created from an existing product library using this tool.
  5. If necessary, click Browse to navigate to another source geodatabase or workspace.
  6. Check the check boxes next to the data models and data model versions you want to distribute in the Choose Product Library Component(s) area.
  7. Click the Target Product Library drop-down arrow and choose the target:
    • Geodatabase—Allows you to choose an existing product library or any geodatabase. If the geodatabase is not already a product library, you will be prompted to upgrade the database. Ensure that you have permissions to create tables in the selected geodatabase.
    • Workspace XML—Allows you to create an XML workspace document with the selected information. This XML workspace document can be imported into another product library using the Distribute Product Library tool.
  8. Click Browse and navigate to the location where the target geodatabase is stored or where you want to store the XML workspace you are creating.

    If you choose to distribute to a geodatabase that does not have the product library schema, you will be prompted to create the workspace.

  9. Click Distribute.

    A warning message appears if the information already exists in the target product library or XML workspace. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

    The Distributing Product Library Components dialog box appears with the progress.

  10. If necessary, click OK when the process completes.
  11. Click Close.

The data models, data model versions, and associated files are copied into the target product library or into a new XML workspace document.
