Attributing Dqyarea features (Maritime Charting)
Once you have created a Dqyarea feature, you can update its attributes using the Update Attributes window. To attribute a Dqyarea feature, you must first select that feature in the map display area and activate the DqyareaAS template in the Update tab on the Manage Features window.
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, set up the DNC production environment.
Click the Production Start Editing button
on the Production Editing toolbar.
The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.
If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button
on the Manage Features window.
- Select the Dqyarea feature.
- In the Update tab of the Manage Features window, click the selected DqyareaAS feature.
The Update Attributes window displays the attribute values specific to your Dqyarea feature.
- For each attribute you want to update, click in the Field Value cell and type a value. Use the following guidelines to help you attribute your feature:
- source_id—Chart Identifier (your specific chart number).
- name—Chart name. This can be the name from the title. If you are working with a plan, the name will be the title of the plan, not the chart. You can find the chart name in the bottom-right corner. Type the name exactly as it appears on the chart. You can abbreviate common terms.
- edition—Found in the lower-left corner of the chart. You use the edition number to process Notice to Mariners updates.
- scale—Found in the margin or in a corner of the chart. Leave off the 1: and type in the scale number (for example, 250000).
- ref_lat—Found in the margin of the chart, usually with the scale. If you cannot find it on the chart, check the ILI and use the mid latitude from the geodesy report. If neither the chart nor the ILI contains any mention of reference latitude, use the center of your chart as the reference latitude.
- abs_horiz_acc—Set this to -9 unless this information is provided in a geodetic report with the ILI.
- abs_vert_acc—Set this to -9 unless this information is provided in a geodetic report with the ILI.
- datum—Type the hydrographic datum as shown on the chart (for example, Mean Lower Low Water). This may also be abbreviated (for example, MLLW).
- lineage—Type any description you find under the main title of the chart (for example, From South Korean charts in 1991).
- source_info—Usually found under a designation such as SOUNDINGS IN METERS on the chart, and usually in black with a note next to it (for example, Soundings corrected for sound velocity). Also include the contour interval for topographic features if it is designated on the chart. The contour interval note is always first and the height and contour information last. If both the height and contour information cannot fit, attach each separately as a DQY notes.rat file.
- comp_date—The first edition date from the top center of the chart (month, date, and year). The date is the first of the month unless the chart is the first edition, in which case the date matches the print date. A zero should precede all single-digit days or months. If necessary, click the drop-down arrow and choose a date.
- print_date—Found in the lower-left corner of the chart.
- Click Apply.