What's new in ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server

ArcGIS 10.1 service pack 1 (SP1) for Server includes stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the ArcGIS for Server product. For a summary of functionality changes in the software, see the following sections:

ArcGIS Server Manager enhancements

ArcGIS Server Manager includes a number of improvements that can help you administer your ArcGIS Server site:

ArcGIS Web Adaptor enhancements

The ArcGIS Web Adaptor includes a few new enhancements that can help you install and configure the software:

Netezza support in ArcGIS for Server

ArcGIS for Server now supports the Netezza data warehouse appliance as a database client. To use ArcGIS with Netezza, you must install a supported version of the Netezza Spatial Cartridge in the database management system, and install and configure the Netezza ODBC driver on the ArcGIS client machine from which you will make a database connection. To get started, see Configuring a connection to a database in ArcGIS Server.

Map draws and queries can be restricted based on feature owners

Another ownership-based access control option has been added for feature services, in which you can choose to allow only the creator of a feature to query that feature. When users issue a query, they will only be returned features that they created. These restrictions also apply to methods on the parent map service such as draw requests, queries, and identify operations. For example, images drawn by the map service will display only the features created by the user requesting the map. See Ownership-based access control for feature services for more information.

New ArcPy functions for registering folders and databases with the ArcGIS Server site

Some new functions have been added to the ArcPy site package to help you manage the folders and databases registered with your ArcGIS Server site. If you're scripting ArcGIS Server administration tasks with Python, you might find these functions easier to use than the native operations in the ArcGIS Server Administrator API. The functions are:

New ArcPy functions for publishing image and geoprocessing services

The ArcPy site package offers two new functions to help you automate the publishing of image services and geoprocessing services using Python. These functions are CreateImageSDDraft and CreateGPSDDraft, respectively. They complement existing functions in the arcpy.mapping module that allow for automated publishing of map services. See An overview of the Publishing toolset to learn about constructing these scripts.

New OGC Web Map Service (WMS) options

ArcGIS for Server supports three new parameters that you can use to enhance the way you communicate with OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WMS services:

Cache tiles can be overwritten on import and export

When importing or exporting tiles into a map cache, you can now allow the tiles in the originating cache to overwrite the tiles in the destination cache. Previously, a blended image was created in all cases.

This enhancement is possible through a new parameter Overwrite Tiles in the Export Map Server Cache and Import Map Server Cache tools. If you have an existing model that uses one of these tools, you must open the model and validate it before you can use the model with Service Pack 1. See Automating cache creation and updates with geoprocessing for instructions.

Administrators can disable data copying to the server

If you're an ArcGIS Server administrator and you want to prevent publishers from automatically copying data to the server when they publish, you can disable data copying using the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory. For full instructions, see Disabling automatic data copying when publishing to the server.
