What's new in ArcMap 10.1 basics
Coordinate system
Throughout the ArcGIS software there are many different locations where spatial references are displayed, picked, created, and modified. Previously, these locations may have had different workflows. At 10.1 there is one way provided to work with spatial references.
Learn more about specifying a coordinate system
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The ability to set a spatial filter has been added to filter the list of Spatial References based on the extent provided, whether it be the Current Visible Extent, an Outline of Features, an Outline of Selected Graphics, or a Custom Extent.
Use the text input box to search by name or well-known id, also known as factory code. This search string can be multiple words separated by spaces. It will filter based on folder name, spatial reference name, and also factory code. The present search string will be displayed in the input box.
The spatial filter and the search string narrow down results from one another's filters. For example, if you perform a text filter on Projected, then a spatial filter on the current extent only, projected coordinate systems for that current extent will be returned.
Datum transformation
Converting correctly between two geographic coordinate systems requires a geographic or datum transformation. At 10.1 a compound datum transformation is now supported in the user interface. To specify a geographic transformation for the data, click the Transformations button and select the desired transformation, or create a custom or compound transformation. ArcMap doesn't automatically choose a transformation for you because there are often multiple transformation choices that could be applied between two geographic coordinate systems. At 10.1 the transformations presented in the drop-down list are sorted by suitability for the layer's extent.
Dot density renderer
At 10.1 the dot density renderer has been enhanced to allow you to specify how the dot density will be maintained and also to specify a seed for the random placement of the dots.
After specifying the dot representation you can now maintain the density of the dots while navigating your map. Maintaining the dot density will preserve the visual impression of the map as the scale changes. You have two options to maintain density:
- By size—As you zoom in the dot size increases.
- By value—As you zoom in the value represented by a dot decreases, and more dots are drawn on the map.
If you specify to display the dots with a nonfixed placement, the dots will be placed randomly each time the map is refreshed. When using this option you can set the Seed for the placement. The Seed is an integer number that initializes the random number generator. Choosing the same number will give you the same result of dot placement as long as your data is identical.
Learn more about using dot density layersService layer attributions
The data source credits or attributions for an ArcGIS for Server or third-party tiled service layer (such as Bing Maps) are available to you so that you can display them in your printed or exported map. When you work with the service layer in data view, you will see an icon located in the lower right corner of the data frame. If you are working with Bing Maps you'll see the Bing logo in the lower left corner of the map. The logo is a permanent part of the Bing Maps image. You cannot remove it.
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Clicking this icon opens a separate window that lists source information for service layers currently turned on in your data frame.
Once you export the data frame or switch to layout view, the icon is replaced with the realized text of the service layer attributions. You cannot move or change this text. However, you have the option of replacing this text with the Service Layer Credits dynamic text element. This is available from the main menu at Insert > Dynamic Text. When you initiate this dynamic text element the realized text in the data frame will no longer display. You can work with the Service Layer Credits dynamic text element in the same way you can work with other dynamic text elements and position, resize, and change the text symbol as you see fit.
Symbols and styles
Picture symbol
The picture symbol used by marker, line, and fill symbols now supports .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and .gif file types.
Analyze map
Analyzing your map helps you to improve the drawing performance of your ArcMap documents by generating a list of potential display performance issues.