Enabling SQL Server Express to store geodatabases
This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.
The ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server Express installation wizard has two parts: one part installs SQL Server Express (see Installing SQL Server Express); the other part designates that SQL Server Express instance to use as a database server, adds a server administrator to the database server, enables the SQL Server Express instance to store geodatabases, and authorizes the software (if using with ArcGIS for Server Workgroup).
- Obtain an ArcGIS for Server Workgroup authorization file if you are using the database server with ArcGIS for Server Workgroup.
- Choose the name of the SQL Server Express instance you want to use to store geodatabases from the SQL Server instance name list, for example, MyServer\SQLExpress.
- Type the login name of the user who will act as a server administrator on the SQL Server Express instance (the database server) you are enabling. The login name should be the domain or machine name followed by a backslash (\) and the user's name, for example, WORLD\David. This user will not have any additional permissions at the operating system level but will be able to perform all necessary administrative functions on the database server.
- Click Next to proceed to the next dialog box.
- If you are enabling an ArcSDE for SQL Server Express instance licensed through ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Engine, this is the final dialog box of the wizard. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
- If you are enabling an ArcSDE for SQL Server Express instance licensed through ArcGIS for Server Workgroup, you need to register the instance with the ArcGIS for Server Workgroup license. Click Next on the Enable geodatabase storage on SQL Server Express dialog box to proceed to the software authorization wizard.
- On the Authorization Options dialog box, choose the option that applies to your situation:
- Choose the first registration option: I have installed my software and need to authorize it. The only time you would not choose this option is if you have already run this wizard and requested an authorization file by e-mail. Click Next to continue.
- If you received a software authorization file via e-mail, choose the second registration option (I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process), type or browse to the path and name of the authorization file, click Next, then proceed to step 14.
- If you chose I have installed my software and need to authorize it, choose an option on the Authorization Method dialog box:
- If you have Internet access from the computer where you are running this wizard, choose Authorize with Esri now using the Internet. Choosing this method automatically authorizes your software with Esri.
- If you do not have Internet access from the computer where you are running this wizard, choose Authorize at Esri's website or by email to receive your authorization file. This option lets you save your authorization information, which you can then e-mail to Esri or submit to the Esri web site from a computer that does have Internet access. You will be sent an authorization file and will need to rerun the wizard to enable your geodatabase so you can authorize it.
- You must provide information about your account to authorize the software with Esri. Type the necessary information and click Next to continue.
- Provide information about your organization and the job you perform in the organization and click Next.
- On the Software Authorization Number dialog box, you must type the ArcGIS Server authorization number.
This number was sent to your organization along with the information on how to obtain the software. If you do not have this number, contact the person at your organization who is in charge of your software purchases and maintenance contracts.
- If you chose the option Authorize with Esri now using the Internet, the information you provided is automatically sent to Esri and your software is authorized. This writes an entry to the SQL Server Express Services entry in the registry of the computer, allowing this instance of SQL Server Express to store geodatabases. Proceed to step 14.
- If you chose the option Authorize at Esri's website or by email to receive your authorization file, you are now on the Email Authorization dialog box. Click Save to create the file that you will either e-mail to Esri or transfer to another computer to submit via Esri's Customer Service Web site.
Once you receive your authorization file from Esri, rerun this wizard, choosing the I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process option on the Authorization Options dialog box.
- To complete the authorization, click Finish.