Using the Analyze Datasets tool to update statistics on geodatabase system tables

Database statistics are used by the DBMS optimizer to choose the optimal execution plan for the query being executed. You should update statistics after the content of a table changes significantly. In the case of ArcSDE geodatabase system tables, you should update statistics after new tables or feature classes have been added to the geodatabase, a large number of versioned edits have been performed, or the geodatabase has been compressed.

You can use the Analyze Datasets geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS to update statistics on the ArcSDE geodatabase system tables. This tool is in the Geodatabase Administration toolset of the Data Management toolbox. To use it to update statistics on the geodatabase system tables, you must connect to the geodatabase as the geodatabase administrator. Alternatively, you can script the updates to the system tables. See Updating statistics on geodatabase system tables using a Python script.

Follow these steps to update statistics on the ArcSDE geodatabase system tables using the Analyze Datasets tool.

  1. Start ArcMap or ArcCatalog and connect to your ArcSDE geodatabase as the geodatabase administrator.
  2. Open the Analyze Datasets geoprocessing tool.

    Use the Search window to find the tool and open it, or navigate to the tool in the Geodatabase Administration toolset in the Data Management toolbox.

  3. Use the database connection file you created in step 1 as the input workspace.
  4. Check Include System Tables.
  5. Click OK to run the tool.