A quick tour of using ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform
To use ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform, you need to do the following:
Install all required software
You need to have the following software installed:
ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform
Run the setup on your server to install and authorize the ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform. If you plan to allow editing through your published services, you must install ArcGIS Spatial Data Server on a public server (one outside your firewall).
For complete instructions, see the ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java Platform installation guide (Windows) or ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java Platform Linux installation guide.
A web application server
Install a supported web application server: either Apache Tomcat web server, Oracle WebLogic, or IBM WebSphere Application Server. (Check the ArcGIS Spatial Data Server system requirements for supported versions.) The web application server must be installed on the same server as ArcGIS Spatial Data Server.
See Application or web servers used with ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for Java for more information.
A database management system
To publish data, you must install and configure a database management system (DBMS) and have a database with spatial data in it. Read your DBMS documentation for instructions.
The DBMS can be running on the same server as ArcGIS Spatial Data Server, but is usually on a different server.
ArcGIS for Desktop
Run the setup on your client computer to install and authorize ArcGIS for Desktop. You will connect to the database and publish feature services from ArcGIS for Desktop. If you want to publish editable feature services, install ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced.
Read the ArcGIS for Desktop installation guide for instructions.
A DBMS client
To connect to a database, you must have the DBMS client libraries installed on the same computer as ArcGIS for Desktop.
See the topic appropriate to your DBMS for more information on installing client libraries and connecting to the database from ArcGIS for Desktop:

If you will be publishing data from an Oracle database or a geodatabase in Oracle, and the data uses ST_Geometry storage, you must configure the Oracle listener to access the database. See Configuring the Oracle listener for more information.
Deploy a spatial data server
There are several configuration steps you must complete to prepare your spatial data server for use. These include the following:
Download JDBC providers
You must download the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) provider files required for the database you will use with the ArcGIS Spatial Data Server to access the data source. The files must be made accessible to your web application server. See JDBC providers used with ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for Java for more information.
Configure a data source in the web application server
You must configure a data source with the web application server to publish a feature service to your spatial data server. See the topic appropriate to your web application server for more information:
Deploy the arcgis.war file to the application server
ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform requires you to deploy a web application so web services can be viewed as resources identified by their URLs. Your web or application server must access the arcgis.war file. See the topic appropriate to your web application server for more information:

For certain advanced configurations, you must edit the javasds-app-config.properties file before deploying the arcgis.war file or deploy cross-domain access files.
Authorize the deployed web application server
There is a second part to authorizing ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for the Java platform, which places the authorization information in the spatial data server service repository. See Authorizing a deployed ArcGIS Spatial Data Server for Java for more information.
Create a data source mapping
You must create a data source mapping to provide a way for client applications to communicate with your registered data source. You can do this from the REST admin view using the createDatasourceMapping function. You might do this if the administrator of the spatial data server is different from the staff who will publish services. See Data source mapping from the REST admin view for more information.
Alternatively, you can map a data source from ArcMap.
If you do not create a data source mapping prior to publishing, ArcMap will attempt to create the mapping. If multiple registered data sources exist, you will be prompted to choose the correct data source.
Implement security
There are many levels of security that can be implemented for your web services. You should read your web application server documentation for information on different configurations.
To secure your ArcGIS Spatial Data Server URL, see the topic appropriate to your web application server for more information:
Create a map and publish a service
In ArcMap, you connect to the database, connect to the spatial data server, add data to the map, symbolize it and set properties, then you can publish.
Connect to the database
If you have not already done so, connect to the database from the Catalog window in ArcMap. Be sure to connect to the same database and as the same user you used when you created your data source.
Also be sure that the user you are connecting as has been granted privileges on the datasets you want to publish to the spatial data server. For example, if you want users to have query-only access to the data in your feature service, the user specified for the data source only needs to have select privileges on the datasets in the database. See Granting and revoking privileges on datasets for instructions.
Connect to the spatial data server
To publish and administer services, create an Administer ArcGIS Server connection from ArcGIS for Desktop. See Making an administrative connection to ArcGIS Spatial Data Server in ArcGIS for Desktop for instructions.
Create a map
Add to the map the data you want to publish. Symbolize and set properties on the data, then save your map document in a shared directory that the web application server can access.
See Authoring feature services in ArcMap to publish to a spatial data server for more information.
Publish a service
You can publish a feature service to an ArcGIS Spatial Data Server from an ArcGIS Map document. This generates a URL through which you can use the feature service.
By default, the data exposed through the feature service can be queried and edited. You can alter what editing capabilities connecting users have (if any) when you publish.
See Publishing feature services for ArcGIS Spatial Data Server from ArcMap for instructions.
Create a web application
Clients can access feature services using either a web application or ArcGIS for Desktop. Esri offers several resources that you can use to create web GIS applications and services. The resource that you choose depends on your experience and skill level, as well as the requirements of the application.
If you have no prior experience with web application development, consider using the resources on ArcGIS Online to create your web applications.
Or you can use ArcGIS Viewer for Flex and ArcGIS Viewer for Microsoft Silverlight, which are ready-to-deploy, configurable web applications built on the ArcGIS web APIs.
Or write your own application using Esri's web mapping APIs for JavaScript, Flex, or Silverlight.