Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), web services provide a way to make your maps and data available in an open, internationally recognized format over the web. OGC has defined specifications for making maps and data available on the web to anyone with a supported client application. All developers are free to use the OGC specifications to create these supported clients, such as a web browser or desktop map viewer.

OGC Web Map Service (WMS) specification

The website and ArcGIS.com map viewer currently support the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) specification. It is an international specification for serving and consuming dynamic maps on the web. You can add your OGC WMS layer to the website and share it with others, and use it as a layer in a map you create with the ArcGIS.com map viewer. If you share your OGC WMS layer in the website, others can discover it to use in their own maps.

You can learn more about OGC at the Open Geospatial Consortium website. Esri also maintains an Interoperability and Standards web page detailing its support for OGC services in ArcGIS.

Sharing your OGC WMS layer

You can add an OGC WMS layer to the website through the Add Item button on the My Content page. See Supported item types for details. Once you've added your OGC WMS layer, you can share it with groups you belong to or make it public by sharing with everybody. See Sharing items for more information. When others discover your layer, they can automatically open it in the ArcGIS.com map viewer. If your layer uses a projection other than Web Mercator, the projection of the default World Topographic basemap, the ArcGIS.com map viewer uses a GCS WGS84 World Imagery basemap that is usually compatible with OGC services not in Web Mercator.

Adding an OGC WMS layer to a web map

If you know a specific OGC WMS you want to include in a web map, you can add it by entering its URL. See Adding layers from the web for more information.

Customizing the basemap

If your OGC WMS layer uses a projection other than Web Mercator, the projection of the default World Topographic basemap, the ArcGIS.com map viewer attempts to use a compatible basemap. If your layer is in GCS WGS84, the ArcGIS.com map viewer uses the GCS WGS84 World Imagery basemap. If your OGC layer is in a coordinate system other than Web Mercator or GCS WGS84, your layer is used as the basemap. You can use a different basemap as long as it is compatible with your layer's projection. If a basemap in the gallery is not compatible, the ArcGIS.com map viewer will not add it to your map; instead, you will see an error message letting you know your layer is not compatible with the basemap's coordinate system.

You can use a layer as your basemap as long as it is compatible with your OGC service projection, for example, the older ArcGIS Online basemaps in the GCS WGS84 tiling scheme. See Choosing a basemap for more information on using a layer as your basemap.

Considerations for using OGC WMS layers in a web map

Supported functionality

The ArcGIS.com map viewer supports a subset of functionality for OGC WMS. The list below will expand as Esri continues to develop support for OGC.

  • View in ArcGIS Explorer Online
  • Embed in websites
  • Print
  • Published legends


Below are the current limitations of using OGC WMS in the ArcGIS.com map viewer. See Troubleshooting for details.

  • Pop-up windows cannot be enabled in OGC WMS.
  • You cannot edit features in OGC WMS.
  • You cannot set the visibility range in OGC WMS layers.
  • Secure OGC WMS layers are not supported.
  • Internal OGC WMS layers are not supported.
  • OGC WMS layers not in Web Mercator cannot use the ArcGIS.com map viewer basemaps. This is because the coordinate system of the layer doesn't align with that of the basemaps (which are in Web Mercator).