Bookmarking places

A bookmark is an item you can save to a web map, providing a shortcut to a position in the map. Open the Bookmarks drop-down list to see a list of bookmarks in the current map. When you click a bookmark in the list, the map is repositioned at the location and scale it was when the bookmark was created. You can also use the Bookmarks drop-down list to create, rename, and delete bookmarks.

Go to a bookmark

To navigate the map to a bookmark, open the Bookmarks drop-down list by clicking the Bookmarks button Bookmarks, and click the item you want to navigate to.

Create a new bookmark from the Bookmarks drop-down list

To bookmark the current location and scale of the map, click the Bookmarks button Bookmarks to open the Bookmarks drop-down list, click Add Bookmark, and enter a name for the bookmark. The bookmark is added to the Bookmarks drop-down list. Click the Close button Close to close the drop-down list.

Rename or delete a bookmark

To rename or delete bookmarks, click the Bookmarks button Bookmarks to open the Bookmarks drop-down list. To rename a bookmark, click the Edit button Edit and enter a new name. Click the Remove button Remove to delete the bookmark from the map. Click the Close button Close to close the drop-down list.
