Generating features using the centerline vectorization method

The centerline vectorization method allows you to generate vector line features at the center of the raster cells.

  1. Click the Vectorization menu on the ArcScan toolbar.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Centerline for the vectorization method.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Vectorization menu on the ArcScan toolbar.
  6. Click Generate Features. The Generate Features dialog box appears.
  7. Choose the target in which the new feature will be created.
    • If you have feature templates for the layers in your map, click the Template button and click the template to use to create the new feature. You can also double-click the preview of the template to choose a different template.
    • If you do not have feature templates, click the layer in which to create the feature.
  8. Check whether to save the average width of each line feature to an existing field, and choose the field to which it should be saved.
  9. Check whether to generate polygons where the maximum line width setting is exceeded, and choose the polygon feature template to use when creating the new features.
  10. Check whether to generate features for only currently selected cells.
  11. Check whether to have new features selected after their creation.
  12. Click OK.

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