An overview of the To Coverage toolset

For many years, the coverage was the standard for storing and managing vector data in ArcInfo. The coverage format efficiently stores spatial and topological data. Attribute data is stored in relational tables that can be customized and joined with other databases. Coverages are still used; however, this data model has been superseded by the geodatabase.

Coverages combine spatial data and attribute data and store topological associations among features. Spatial data is held in binary files, and attribute and topological data is held in INFO tables.

When converting a feature class to a coverage, there will be coverage-specific limitations that do not exist in the input feature class. To find out any specific translation issues, see What is a coverage?



Feature Class to Coverage

Creates a single ArcInfo Workstation coverage from one or more input feature classes or layers.

Import from E00

Imports an ArcInfo Workstation interchange file (.e00). An interchange file is used to transport coverages, INFO tables, text files such as AML macros, and other ArcInfo files. For coverages, grids, and tins, it contains all information, including appropriate INFO table information. Interchange files are designated with the .e00 file suffix. This is the ArcView GIS version of the utility for importing .e00 files.

Tools in the To Coverage toolset

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