Analyze Mosaic Dataset (Data Management)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Examines a mosaic dataset to determine solutions for known errors and other issues, and to detect methods for optimization. The errors, warnings, and messages can be examined when the mosaic dataset is open within ArcMap.



AnalyzeMosaicDataset_management (in_mosaic_dataset, {where_clause}, {checker_keywords})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The mosaic dataset to be analyzed.

Image Service; Mosaic Layer; String

You can define a query to confine the analysis to specific rasters within the mosaic dataset.

Using SQL you can define a query or use the Query Builder to build a query.

SQL Expression

Choose which parts of the mosaic dataset you want to analyze for known issues.

  • FOOTPRINTThe checker analyzes the footprint geometry of each selected mosaic dataset item. This is checked on by default.
  • FUNCTIONThe checker analyzes the raster function stack of the raster associated with each selected mosaic dataset item. This is checked on by default.
  • RASTERThe checker analyzes the actual raster dataset stored within each selected row. This is checked on by default.
  • PATHSThe checker analyzes for broken paths. This is checked on by default.
  • SOURCE_VALIDITYThe checker analyzes potential problems with the source data associated with each mosaic dataset item in the selected mosaic dataset. This is a good way to detect issues that may arise during synchronization workflows.
  • STALEThe checker analyzes each mosaic dataset item for staleness. Once the mosaic dataset is analyzed, you can select which items are stale by right-clicking on the error and choosing Select Associated Items on the context menu.
  • PYRAMIDSThe checker analyzes the raster pyramids associated with each mosaic dataset item in the selected mosaic dataset. The pyramids will be tested for disconnected auxiliary files. The auxiliary files may be disconnected when they are stored in the raster proxy location.
  • STATISTICSThe checker analyzes the raster statistics and histogram associated with each mosaic dataset item in the selected mosaic dataset. The statistics will be tested for disconnected auxiliary files in case they are stored in the raster proxy location. This checker also analyzes the covariance matrix associated with the raster, when the Gram-Schmidt pan-sharpening method is enabled. Lastly, the checker will analyze the radiometric pixel depth of a mosaic dataset item against the pixel depth of the mosaic dataset.
  • PERFORMANCEThe checker analyzes the entire mosaic dataset and each selected item for performance-related issues. Examples of performance-related issues include no compression during transmission or recommending item cache on items where there are a lot of raster functions involved.This checker remains unchecked by default.
  • INFORMATIONThe checker analyzes the mosaic dataset and its items, and generates an information log for the analysis.

Code Sample

AnalyzeMosaicDataset example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for the AnalyzeMosaicDataset tool.

import arcpy
     "\\cpu\data\analyze.gdb\mosaicds", "SensorName = 'Landsat-7-ETM+'",
AnalyzeMosaicDataset example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a Python script sample for the AnalyzeMosaicDataset tool.

#Analyze Mosaic Dataset with query definition
#Analyze all components of mosaic dataset

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Workspace"

mdname = "analyzemd.gdb/mosaicds"
query = "SensorName = 'Landsat-7-ETM+'"

arcpy.AnalyzeMosaicDataset_management(mdname, query, checks)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes