Add Edge-Edge Connectivity Rule To Geometric Network (Data Management)
Adds an edge-edge connectivity rule to a geometric network.
The feature classes specified must reside in the geometric network.
As a by-product of adding an edge-edge rule, edge-junction rules between the from and to edge feature classes and the junction feature class will be added to the geometric network, if they do not already exist.
The default junction subtype must be one of the specified junction subtypes.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_geometric_network |
The geometric network to which the connectivity rule will be added. | Geometric Network |
in_from_edge_feature_class |
The name of the from edge feature class. | String |
from_edge_subtype |
The subtype description for the from edge feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class, use the feature class name. | String |
in_to_edge_feature_class |
The name of the to edge feature class. | String |
to_edge_subtype |
The subtype description for the to edge feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class, use the feature class name. | String |
in_junction_subtypes [in_junction_subtypes,...] |
The junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect. | String |
default_junction_subtype |
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the edge-edge connectivity rule. | String |
Code Sample
The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the AddEdgeJunctionConnectivityRuleToGeometricNetwork in Python script to add an edge-edge connectivity rule with three different types of junctions to a geometric network.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Local variables:
Water_Net = "C:/data/Montgomery.gdb/Water/Water_Net"
# Process: Add Edge-Edge Connectivity Rule To Geometric Network
arcpy.AddEdgeEdgeConnectivityRuleToGeometricNetwork_management(Water_Net, "Distribmains", "Distribmains", "Distribmains", "Distribmains", "Fittings,Tap;Fittings,Tee;Fittings,Bend", "Fittings,Tap")